to those whom I regard as friend on facebook. meaning all - TopicsExpress


to those whom I regard as friend on facebook. meaning all current, past, and potential friends. I am in quite poor health. as some may have noticed, I have been absent for a while. I havent had the strength to handle even a lap keyboard. I have not been ignoring anyone. I was born a survivor, and the fire in my blood has made my life that of a fighter and as a result I have spent most of it, including my time in the service, as what some would call a lone wolf. this has always proven to pay me massive dividends in loneliness and misery. my survival and experiences in Iraq and other parts of the world have only served to shove me further into that world. ive learned to accept and embrace that set of qualities and to own it. the fact that I have so many of you here on facebook is miraculous in so much as none but only two or three of you know anything about me. most know nothing whatsoever of me, but take the chance of having even this remote connection to me. I know many people say there is no true risk to having any online connection to anyone, but.... what most people dont realize is just how grievously wrong that is as I have learned on many occasions right here in facebook. knowing this makes me grateful in ways im not able to put words to for those of you whom brave this risk and connect with me. even if just as a button on facebook that says friend. at this juncture in time I have to inform those of you whom read this that there will be times when it appears I am out of touch with this facebook interface with you. I assure you that is not the case. when I am too weak to do it someone else comes and shows me all the notifications. and as some of you are well aware, I always have my eye on the darker parts of the garbage we currently have to tolerate in our homeland. I suffer, but my mind burns bright and clear. I see parts of the picture that many will not or cannot ever see. because of some of the unconventional and unusual connections I have to some things and people I have once again become aware of some potential problems that make my blood boil. because of this, I say to you all, after veterans day it is particularly important for americans to watch and listen with rock solid vigilance. friends.........eyes open..... ears to the ground. look VERY CLOSELY at the details of any current events. look past the frosting, past the puff and typical bullshit in what you sear and hear. you MUST pick out the particulars and home in on them like a hellfire missile. think VERY carefully about anything you might pick up on. thank you for your friendship to all current and future friends. believe me, I value every single one.
Posted on: Sun, 10 Nov 2013 08:36:41 +0000

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