today Fran and I had a horrible nightmare our sweetboy pup Chase - TopicsExpress


today Fran and I had a horrible nightmare our sweetboy pup Chase had what we thought was a stroke. It was awful ! he was unable to walk and when he did he wobbled, his eyes were shooting back and forth rapidly he walked when he could in circles towards the left and then just lost all bodily control and did both 1 & 2 at same time. Then we contacted vet and had to send here video and then she confirmed to us to ur relief that it was not a stroke but it seems is Vestibular disease an inner ear illness that strikes dogs and cats suddenly without warning. It happens only from mid summer to fall. It can cure itself with hours or may take days. If it gets worse or does not cure in that time frame (99% cure rate) then Chase would have to go to a neurologist. I am glad to say Chase is better, can walk somewhat, He was in bad shape yet when I came close to him he wagged his tale and tried so hard to come to me. He is now walking (wobbly) but drinking water when we hold dish and is now resting. look it up and keep the info in mind. I would not wish this on anyones pet!
Posted on: Tue, 15 Jul 2014 21:55:26 +0000

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