today I did hear back from the US Embassy, while they expressed - TopicsExpress


today I did hear back from the US Embassy, while they expressed concern and want any updates on information I get regarding my fiancée, and I have also talked to one of the US senators I had faxed about the situation staffer, Im going to accept that they have determined this a private matter, because it does not involve my safety or security directly. Ive also met with a very good long time Georgian friend that I recently reunited with me renewing our friendship, and I told her the same thing that I had said previously an email. Regardless of the position that my government takes, I will maintain my position. And that is what I email the embassy earlier regarding this matter. Many of you who have followed me over the years, have known that I have complained about how difficult it is for an American to be for very long in Georgian society, and how very different it is especially if you are single. Therefore Im going to make the following statement here for friends and family see, and because of the extreme nature of what happened December 29, 2014: If I determine over the next week or two that the Georgian governments initial refusal to allow Eva and I to marry, has permanently damaged the relationship, I will absolutely revoke my membership into ISAAK, and all ties with the country of Georgia, forever, permanently. I will neither forget, nor forgive in such case, what epic human rights violation, and atrocity has taken place here in that way. The SMS I have provided, and there are many more, from her family members who openly brag about the positions they hold in Georgian government should be enough to bring immediate removal of them from those positions, in light of the epic and extreme abuse of power they initiated in this situation. Sincerely, Michael Vanderpool - so it is to say that I will accept and agree with the position of the US Embassy, and one of two US senators that I contacted, however I will stand by the statement that I made earlier to the embassy regarding both ISAAK and the country of Georgia, given what happened to me and my fiancé on December 29, 2014. And if it comes to that, that I lost that day, and permanent damage to my relationship and intended marriage to Eva, absolutely my response will be to leave Georgia, renounce membership into ISAAK, and to cut all ties with the country of Georgia permanently. There will be a few friendships that will of course keep, but I will leave and never return, and do as previously stated in the quoted paragraph above. So with this time Im planning for a possible departure within the next two weeks, if things dont resolve. Most of the friends and family know very well the extreme difficulty I have expressed over the years and being in Georgia, is very different than Russia, Ukraine, and the United States of America. Recently a friend from New Zealand who had spent two months here agreed with me point by point on being single and dating in the country of Georgia, and just how difficult the mentality is here. Therefore I have no regrets, or any loss of confidence, or sensibility. Im a realist. I also have reached the point to where this is my last go with Georgia. And it doesnt work, Im gone. And that will be forever. And for those few friends who may be brave enough or fortunate enough to travel to some other place, we may see each other again, but of course I know that will be a rare few of you. However in those few that it will be I will have great hope. Thank you to those Georgian friends over the last few weeks have helped me tremendously. Regardless of whether there is a positive outcome to the situation that has been damaged, or a negative, I will always remember you positively. Thank you. there always comes a time where one controls a line Sand says this is it, this is the last stance. The next time the Georgians want to go crazy and get religiously delusional and try to harass someone they may consider that point. As for me Ive seen it for the last time that I will ever allow it to my life. And I have a remedy for that and I just explain what thats going to.
Posted on: Mon, 05 Jan 2015 18:11:16 +0000

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