today I had to lead the last of my original eight cats to the - TopicsExpress


today I had to lead the last of my original eight cats to the rainbow bridge.(the eight I had when the kids were still home and the marriage was still together.) the vet records said he was born in 2001, however, my memories seem to be before that. it doesnt matter. hes gone now. he had a mass in his stomach. he was down to 5 lbs, he was on meds every day. the hardest part is when they look in your eyes as if to say they understand. the other hardest part is to keep wondering if there isnt just one more thing you can do - just one more kind of medicine. but this was the best thing to do. I helped birth him. he was a huge kitten and his mother had trouble getting him out. after he came unplugged, his 2 brothers and`1 sister followed. at first, his name was Braveheart, he stood up to a Siberian husky who chomped him and luckily the fang went between the lid and the eye and he did not lose the eye itself. after the 8th or 9th time tricking kids into petting him so he could grab them or bite them, Naughty stuck. he was a great cat. a wonderful cat. I will miss him. I am blessed to still have Toby, my newest cat and robs two cats - they do not interact with me much. but I have my dog too, Buddy. he is by my side most of the time. he seems to understand I am not feeling like my usual self. why do I not remember this day when I go get a new one? sigh. maybe because the joy is so worth it. every second of the joy is SO worth every tear.
Posted on: Tue, 07 Oct 2014 00:09:23 +0000

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