today, appealing to the people to assemble on September 18, - TopicsExpress


today, appealing to the people to assemble on September 18, Wednesday, at Hurriyat head office, Hyderpora, here wherefrom he (Geelani) would lead a protest march to UNO office Sonawar, here. “A memorandum addressed to the United National Secretary General Ban Ki Moon will be presented to the UNMOGIP office against the killings of innocent civilians,” he added. “On September 20, people will hold protest demonstrations after Friday prayers and there will be complete shutdown on September 21, Saturday,” Geelani said condemning the continued curfew in south Kashmir and arrest of Tehreek-e-Hurriyat general secretary Muhammad Ashraf Sehrai. “Due to continued curfew in Shopian, Pulwama, and Kulgam, people are facing lot of hardships for want of medicines and other essential commodities,” said Geelani, adding that “New Delhi is using every weapon, including killings, to continue its control and wants that we should be forced to surrender before it.” “To counter these repressive measures, we have decided to formulate a pro-active strategy to instill a new lease of life into the ongoing struggle,” Geelani said, adding that “After 2010 mass movement the people were forced to keep silent by the tremendous atrocities inflicted on them by the police and other armed forces. This silence emboldened the government and armed forces and they started killing people indiscriminate. This year started with the execution of Muhammad Afzal Guru. Then the incidents of killings like Gool, Markundal and now Shopian took place. There will be endless process of killings of innocents if we remain silent. We need review the approach with respect to movement and explore new and proactive strategies for its sustenance.” Laying stress on rethinking of new initiatives with respect to the movement, Geelani said, “We should think of creating potential strategies which are feasible, applicable and acceptable to common people and that should shake the conscience of the international community and make New Delhi accountable for its misdeeds in Kashmir.
Posted on: Tue, 17 Sep 2013 08:27:33 +0000

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