today in 1998 - Armageddon opened in U.S. theatres. The plot: - TopicsExpress


today in 1998 - Armageddon opened in U.S. theatres. The plot: Asteroid on collision course with Earth; must knock it off course; have to drill into surface and detonate nuclear weapon; will use expert oil drillers for the job; Harry S. Stamper (Bruce Willis) is leader of team including: Rockhound (Steve Buscemi), Charles ‘Chick’ Chapple (Will Patton), Jayotis ‘Bear’ Kurleenbear (Michael Duncan), A.J. Frost (Ben Affleck), Oscar Choi (Owen Wilson). Running time: 2 hours and 24 minutes; seems a lot longer. Gross: $36.09 million opening weekend.
Posted on: Wed, 02 Jul 2014 02:46:10 +0000

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