today is an interesting day... while it may not mean anything to - TopicsExpress


today is an interesting day... while it may not mean anything to anyone else it holds enough importance to my life to be more worth mention than any other day i do this for... today August 25, 1949 in Israel Gene Simmons was born... Gene is unique in the sense that every other of my music influences i have recognized was born in the united states... gene was born in an impoverished region of Israel to a hungarian jew and holocaust survivor... he moved to america at a young age learned english and began his life in pursuit of the american dream... being that he is now a multimillionaire world famous singer songwriter bass player in Kiss producer actor and entrepreneur... id say the immigrant boy got his wish... now as far as why that is important to my life is because without Gene i would not be here today, in this form or possibly at all... in addition to being my biggest influence playingwise he is THE influence... the reason i picked up a bass guitar is Gene Simmons and the song God of Thunder... you ever say "man i love that song... i would learn guitar just to play it"? i actually did it... Gene is the reason i play... the reason i play the way i play... the reason i like lots of effects on the bass... the reason i have ambition to realize a tremendous stage show... he showed me the bass player can be more than just some asshole by the drumriser doing something nobody cares about... he was in one of 2 bands that brought me into music which i credit with saving me in a way... one of the greatest thrills on my life was getting to see Kiss live... Gene while not the best role model is also a fantastic role model... a testament to hard work perseverance devotion creativity the american way capitalism rock and roll and taking your shot. its a longshot i ever get to meet Gene Simmons in the way id like to... but id like to thank him for everything hes done for me directly and indirectly... for being a guiding light for me and people like me who share a common dream of a life on lighted stage... for being just the monster i needed to find, The God of Thunder, The Animal, The Unholy, The Devil, Dr Love, The Hunter, Saint, and Sinner, The War Machine, The Demon... for being Gene... Happy Birthday Gene... keep being you... cheers.
Posted on: Sun, 25 Aug 2013 08:12:42 +0000

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