today is anouther pretty day.had a pop up shower this moriening - TopicsExpress


today is anouther pretty day.had a pop up shower this moriening andwas cloudy now very clear and warm and humid out.i got rid of my yorkie shaggy bear cause he started chaseing stuff and grabing the babby goats.and trying to catch chickins.found him a city rid of roka my greatpryneeese cause she killed a bunch of my birds includeing a rare pair of rumplets. found her a home with just goats and anouther dog .she can do what she does best gard goats without hurting mygeese and chickins.. i got me anouther yorkie this one is half shitzue.has yorkie colering and yorkie ears.but body and face of a shitzue.his name is hardy pup. poor thing is scared of my cats lol and hes biger than theam.. went to the doc for test results put me on two new meds anouther diabetis pill called januvia 100mg once a day nasty side affects.if this dont work he wants to try the nordicpen.a form of insulin that the shot is is a pen like. and says im very low on vitiamen d3 .put me on 50,000 mg two times a week. not shure how i got low or what all it does and what being low causes what..well get to spend day at libary .wade doing service officer work at osceloa vfw post andshowing their new service officer what to do.and since gas is 3.53 a gallen cheaper for me to come to big town of osceloa,mo go to libary then for him to come back 15miles to get me and drive back for historical society meeting then it is to come get me bring me back here.hes talking tonight on the genral that cought sitting indian histry.well got to go to the lottery site and enter more tickets. getting super close to getting my mixer.wade will be gone friday saterday and most of va on friday trap shoot saterday and sunday and helpout a vetran.thin has decided to start going hay wire time to get a new one from finger for finger hut.bye for now holler if u want im here till 6 pm
Posted on: Tue, 11 Jun 2013 19:48:18 +0000

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