today is day 13... I am thankful for my dad dad - TopicsExpress


today is day 13... I am thankful for my dad dad is gone now..has been for a long time...from him I learned about money and business ..I got a wicked sense of humor from him....and a love for music...he sang anything that was on the radio..not also good and he made up his own words a lot but he sang a lot....but my mom...where to begin? we fought A LOT when I was younger..i always said I could hardly wait to be away from her..that I hated her..when she moved away and me and my brother stayed with my dad I resented when she came home to visit..she told me what to do in the house I was taking care of without her help..she told me how to do to clean laundry how to take care of my dad and brother and I was already doing it .. hated when she came home and told me how to take care of my son..but...she was in texas and we were in Arizona..when she came back here I clled her every few days..pissed my dad got along so much better apart...then I got pregnant again..i needed a change in my I packed up and me and my son moved to mom and her husband let us stay wth them for a and I got along..we found a new relationship that involved compromise and understanding of each others places in life..we became life changed when I moved here..for the better .my mom and I are now best friends...we love each other and know that theother one is just a phone call away and will always be there for each mom taught me how to be a better person in a lot of ways..she made me see the world differently..i cant count the times I have said or done something and instantly thought OMG I was just my mom...she also sings..she thinks she doesnt sing good but she does it anyway...I always loved to be in the car with her when she sang...she doesnt know that..i used to love when she had the radio on at home and went about her day singing..she doesnt know that either..i learned how to cook and I learned how to handle assholes from her..she also has a awesome sense of humor and makes me laugh a lot..shes quirky and sometimes I have to just laugh a the things she says but at the same time..i listen..and listen hard..cuz the woman is wise...very very wise and shes no fool....I through my family for a loop a few years ago..i called her and told her I was divorcing my husband of 24 years and I was going to be with women from now on...her reaction was this..honey are you sure..i said yes..she said k then..will you be happy..and safe..i said yes and she said ok then I support you cuz all I want is for you to be happy...since then I have had marie move in here..i know my mom doesnt understand my new lesbian lifestyle but she wants me happy and she knows that I am happy so she deals with it..she likes marie and while she cracks me up with some of her...honey dont get a dyky haircut or start wearing a tux talk I understand it cuz I know this is all new to her...for all of these reasons and a shtload more I am so very thankful for my mom and I love her with all my Karen Racca this is just a small part of why I am thankful for you and always will be..
Posted on: Wed, 13 Nov 2013 06:28:42 +0000

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