tom said- Not a lot going on, really. I got idea about how - TopicsExpress


tom said- Not a lot going on, really. I got idea about how to save water in a poly tunnel. And some ideas about how to add thermal mass to the same. My notebook looks like Im working hard. Shame about the lack of experiment/implementation... Yawn - derek said- WHY the lack of experimentation? do you reckon its possibly coz it DOESNT REALLY INTEREST YOU? maybe its not quite a PASSION...? - tom said- Im just lazy. - so am I, unless something interests me enough or has enough obvious value. i hate cleaning toilets, for instance! ha ha if I knew i could earn say 1000 pounds a day (or even a week) cleaning toilets, i could no doubt clean plenty of them before i packed it in (probably when i had enough money to buy property in south america) : ) i currently clean up plenty of dog,chicken and pigeon shit (which is a bit like cleaning toilets!) : ) but this is no encumbrence really because its part and parcel of central work to my lifes dream (and my dreams life...). i was going to kill myself, or certainly at least scared myself enough that i was rationally and calmly planning it(!), living in a horrible hostal in hamburg, when i decided to head off walking to berlin to spend some time with a top dog breeder and trainer there. weighing despair and suicide against adventure,fun and fulfillment didnt seem too complex a conundrum... even if it did entail some risk and change (everything does) im working, im happy, im respected and saving $$$ (slowly but surely...) ; ) making a difference in whatever relatively small way (relative to supernovas and the like,for sure! ha ha) doing something new, and different if you can identify something new that noones ever done QUITE like you can make some connections and help others do similar you are realising your potential as a human to the fullest degree, contributing and growing and LIVING. thats all their is to it (of course, something inside us tells us that misery and despair and hate and stagnation are somehow EASIER) weird....! - (were awaiting toms reply!) : )
Posted on: Sat, 19 Oct 2013 18:54:59 +0000

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