tomorrow i step off into the next ME treatment attempt. with no - TopicsExpress


tomorrow i step off into the next ME treatment attempt. with no way of knowing if it will help or hurt. or do nothing... it has been the longest year of my life. now nearly a year with severe ME, sicker now than when i first collapsed. my marriage ending. my life made up of these walls around me & this bed.. i am grateful for this dog at my feet - her presence in my life made possible by friends. just as my meal tonight was prepared lovingly by a friend. my ex makes it possible that i am able to be in a peaceful & lovely home, have financial support, medical care. i am grateful for my spiritual mentor, brought to me by a compassionate neighbor. for my many friends & loved ones who have helped in countless ways. for my dear aunt who has been with me at each step of this difficult journey & who will stay with me in the initial days of the new drug. for all of my friends who have sent good wishes & prayers & kept me in their thoughts &
Posted on: Mon, 19 Jan 2015 23:11:40 +0000

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