tonights WWE Main Event opens up from Oklahoma City with Michael - TopicsExpress


tonights WWE Main Event opens up from Oklahoma City with Michael Cole and Byron Saxton on commentary. We go right to the ring. Jack Swagger vs. Titus ONeil We go to the ring and out comes Jack Swagger to a home state pop. We see what happened on last night with Swagger, Zeb Colter and Rusev. Swagger is alone tonight. Titus ONeil is out next. They fight out to the floor but end up back in the ring with Titus in control. Titus beats Swagger around and hits a big fall-away slam. Titus barks and gets booed. Titus with shoulder thrust in the corner. Swagger comes back with an elbow and a high knee. Swagger dumps Titus on his head. They go to the floor and Swagger hits a big clothesline. Swagger ends up getting the win with a Patriot Lock. Winner: Jack Swagger - After the match, Renee Young interviews Swagger in the ring about what happened to Zeb. Swagger says Zeb is like a father to him and is one of the greatest men he knows. Swagger praises Zeb and calls Rusev a coward for attacking him. Swagger says Zeb is unworthy of this country and the United States Title around his waist. Swagger says from now on, everything he does is to take the title from Rusev. - We see Adam Rose and the Rosebuds backstage. Back to commercial. Adam Rose and The Bunny vs. Stardust and Goldust We come back and Adam Rose makes his way out with The Bunny and the Rosebuds. Goldust and Stardust are out next. The Bunny starts off with some comedy and a Flair strut. Rose ends up coming in and getting things going with Stardust. Stardust turns it around in the corner and in comes Goldust. Goldust works Rose over but Rose turns it around and unloads. Goldust with a powerslam out of nowhere. Stardust and Goldust keep Rose down with quick tags now. Rose turns it around again and they both go down. Stardust tags in but The Bunny kicks him. The Bunny comes in and unloads, dropping Stardust on his face. The Bunny does the hop in the corner. The Bunny kicks Stardust and goes to the corner but Rose tags himself in. Rose unloads and hits a spinebuster for a 2 count. The Bunny runs in but Goldust tosses him out. Rose tosses Goldust out but turns around to Stardusts finisher for the win. Winners: Stardust and Goldust - After the match, Goldust attacks The Bunny and lays him out. - We get a look back at The Miz harassing Naomi on RAW. Still to come, Miz vs. Jimmy Uso tonight. - Tom Phillips is backstage with The Usos now. Jimmy looks ready to fight. Jimmy doesnt want to talk about being new #1 contenders, hes just ready to fight The Miz. Fandango vs. R-Truth We go to the ring as Fandango and Rosa Mendes make their entrance. We go to commercial. Back from the break and R-Truth makes his way out rapping with the fans. They go at it and Fandango drops Truth with a shoulder. He poses to boos. Truth comes back with a big hip toss and arm drag. Fandango drops Truth when he charge. Fandango with forearms to the face now. Rosa dances over to Fandango and fans boo. Fandango brings it back in the ring and keeps control. Fandango shows off and Truth turns it around. Truth unloads and drops Fandango on his face for a 2 count. Truth misses the scissor kick. Fandango takes him to the apron and whips him into the ring post. Fandango rolls Truth in and goes to the top. He hits the big leg drop for the win as fans boo. Winner: Fandango - After the match, the lights go low and Fandango dances with Rosa in the ring. - We come back from a look at RAW and Erick Rowan vs. Big Show in a Steel Stairs Match is announced for TLC. The Miz vs. Jimmy Uso We go to the ring and The Usos make their way out before a quick commercial break. Back from the break and out comes WWE Tag Team Champions The Miz and Damien Sandow. Miz speaks from the stage and sarcastically apologizes for what he said to Naomi. He says since he showed interest in Naomi, hes had top agents in Hollywood contacting him. Miz says Jimmy must be mad hes done more for her career than Jimmy has. Jimmy rushes Miz and attacks him. Theyre separated and we get ready to start the match. Jimmy unloads on Miz to start. Jimmy beats him around and sends Miz to the floor. Miz regroups with Sandow as we go to commercial. Back from the break and Miz turn it around but comes back in to a big clothesline from Jimmy. They go back to the floor and Miz rams Jimmy into the apron. Miz beats Jimmy in the corner now and we see Naomi watching backstage. Jimmy fights out of a hold and knocks Miz into the corner. He charges but hits the ring post. Miz tosses Jimmy out to the floor and he lands on his knee. Jimmy comes back in and Miz stops away and hits a bunch of right hands. More back and forth now. Jimmy tosses Miz to the floor and works him over. Jimmy sends Miz into the steps and then the barrier. They come back in and Miz connects with a kick for a 2 count. Uso nails a Samoan Drop. Miz avoids the Rikishi splash and rolls out of the ring. Jimmy runs the ropes and dives out, sending Miz into the barrier. Uso brings it back in and goes to the top but lands on his feet. Uso nails a superkick. Sandow comes in and the ring and acts as Mizs stunt double, falling down beside him. This leads to The Usos hitting double splashes and Jimmy gets the win. Winner: Jimmy Uso - After the match, we see Naomi looking on and smiling backstage. The Usos make their exit as we get replays. Main Event goes off the air with The Usos yelling back at Sandow and The Miz. -David
Posted on: Wed, 03 Dec 2014 04:12:45 +0000

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