tonights game report. Andy Meadows, Diana Kwolkoski Stoll, and - TopicsExpress


tonights game report. Andy Meadows, Diana Kwolkoski Stoll, and Jamie Fristrom all gathered at Mox Boarding House for some roleplaying games tonight. we played two of the old protocol games: moonmen from mars and dinner guests, both light gaming fare we chose the wrong night to go, however, as there were some 50+ people in some strange CAH tournament all around us. i heard about 2/3rds of what was actually said at the game table. nonetheless, we had two great sessions. in moonmen, i played a raw recruit joining three other heroes (well, two heroes and the female love interest in our corny 50s sci fi story) trying to save earth from the ravages of the moonmen. we used a number of ridiculous technology terms as we raced through the crystal palace on mars surface, racing to detonate the doomsday device. dianas character was trapped in a love triangle, of course, which detracted from the (purposely) poor plot of the story, devoid of good special effects of a budget. in the end, Cal (my character) was unable to get to the ship before the device destroyed the planet. everyone else made it home. in dinner guests, we wrote a complicated story of numerous family bloodlines and patronages, trying to find out who killed Gregory Probst and who had the most to gain from his death. three of us, in fact, played female characters, and andy played my son who hated me for sending him to boarding school for his entire youth. the story meandered for a while, as three people died during the course of the evening — our host, his fiance, and the head maid. eventually the police arrived, trying to piece things together, but we still found a way to have a typical lights out in the attic scene and a plot twist in the very last moments of the story. the finale exploded with juicy details as we wrote a typically convoluted ending upon ending upon ending of possible conclusions to the story… of whodunit? seriously good ending. good times.
Posted on: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 07:33:53 +0000

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