took a personality test and this is what it has to say about my - TopicsExpress


took a personality test and this is what it has to say about my twisted self... what yall think? :) Hey, Bob Know thyself and, well, free thyself from barriers to finding someone right for you. Understanding yourself is the first major step on the path to a healthy relationship. Thats why weve created a comprehensive and personalized report that looks at the key characteristics of your unique personality. And we dont just look, we look closely. Your report is based on decades of psychological research so go ahead – take a read! You just might learn something about a fascinating person – YOU! 1.) AGREEABLENESS Hi Bob. Hopefully you are as excited as we are to get to know more about you. Never been more excited to learn about agreeableness, wouldnt you agree? Lets jump right in. This section explores how considerate and compassionate you are towards people (way to be!). It highlights how you interact with and influence others lives, as well as the value placed on personal responsibility and independence. It poses the question: me, me, me or you, you, you? YOUR RESULT: CONSISTENTLY CARING FOR OTHERS YOU IN 5 WORDS Sympathetic Tenderhearted Generous Trustworthy Susceptible WHAT THIS SAYS ABOUT YOU Bob, its safe to say youve got a giant heart - big enough for two people, actually. You genuinely care about others wellbeing just as much as your own. You go out of your way to be helpful and you are an attentive listener. Offering honest and direct advice is expected of you. Youre a selfless giver without expectations of anything in return, even if it means neglecting your own needs. Youre simply magnetic, Bob. +REACTIONS OTHERS MAY HAVE TOWARDS YOU Those you help will be grateful to you. Others will be inspired by your thoughtfulness and kindness. -REACTIONS OTHERS MAY HAVE TOWARDS YOU Some people may think youre too good to be true. Others may suspect that use your altruism as a mask for your own issues or to ingratiate people to you. 2.) OPENNESS Hi Bob, lets look at it this way. There are usually three types of doors: open, closed, and revolving doors. How do you get in and out of situations? In the spirit of openness, are you wildly curious or content with what works for you? This section looks at your school of thought to determine how firmly committed you are to the beliefs that govern your thinking and guide your behavior. It also explores your curiosity about and receptivity to new ideas - whether they energize and inspire you or do nothing to shift your existing worldview. YOUR RESULT: VERY CURIOUS YOU IN 5 WORDS Intellectual Adventurous Unrealistic Daring Inspired Oh lala - Bob, look! Whats new is what interests you. You are especially open to fresh ideas and enjoy coming up with creative, original solutions to old problems. You are intellectually progressive - thinking and feeling your way into unexplored landscape, then letting your imagination run wild. Your innate curiosity makes you an eager lifelong learner. You totally put Curious George to shame. +REACTIONS OTHERS MAY HAVE TOWARDS YOU Many people will find your progressive thoughts and vivid imagination attractive. -REACTIONS OTHERS MAY HAVE TOWARDS YOU Those content with convention may be threatened by your adventurous mind and criticize your intellectual exploration. 3.) EMOTIONAL STABILITY Bob, you know that feeling when the world is in your palm, and nothing can go wrong? What about when everything seems to go wrong? Do you carry sunshine in a bag when it rains? Do you ever lose control? Within all of us lie joy, fear, sadness, anger, shame and disgust. But to what extent do we control these emotions, and to what extent do they control us? Bob, lets take a look at your emotional range and your reactions to lifes ups and downs. YOUR RESULT: VERY SECURE YOU IN 5 WORDS Stable Composed Poised Cold Insensitive Bob, youre unflappable and clear-headed in crisis and are consistently confident and secure. You may be solid as a rock, but youre not as cold as stone. When life is good, you laugh with friends and share tender moments with those youre closest to. And when youre sad or scared, you honor those feelings and then push past them. Bob, we salute you for finding firm emotional footing in life. +REACTIONS OTHERS MAY HAVE TOWARDS YOU Highly emotional people will turn to you when they need a steady companion. -REACTIONS OTHERS MAY HAVE TOWARDS YOU Some of your friends might think youre emotionally hollow - that you dont care enough about their significant moments. 4.)CONSCIENTIOUSNESS You know what, Bob? This entire paragraph could be written out completely using, blah blah blah but it doesnt. You are keen and aware to notice that theres a lot more here than just fluff. Lets explore it! Bob, do you whistle while you work? Here we review your work ethic and your approach to tackling daily tasks. Some people are slaves to their schedules, completing tasks promptly and according to plan. Others take a more relaxed, playful approach, combining their work with more imagination than organization. Where do you fit in this, Bob? YOUR RESULT: FOCUSED YOU IN 5 WORDS Deliberate Regimented Determined Proactive Methodical Bob Theres method to your madness. You are at your best with order and discipline and use these to systematically accomplish goals. You tend to stick to a schedule and make time for your friends when work allows, but are always careful how much of your inner world you disclose. Cheers to regiment, Bob! + REACTIONS OTHERS MAY HAVE TOWARDS YOU You inspire others with your sense of duty to yourself, your relationships and your daily tasks. -REACTIONS OTHERS MAY HAVE TOWARDS YOU Some people may think youre wound too tightly and may secretly want to see you lose control or relax a little bit. 5.)EXTRAVERSION Hi Bob, did your parents used to tell you that one day youre going to end up on the streets of Hollywood (the Walk of Fame)? Or were you always the more quiet, low-key person focusing on other things? This section explores how outgoing or introspective you are. It looks at the extent to which you crave a crowd and enjoy being the center of attention. It also examines the value you place on me time and how comfortable you are with solitude. Mix and mingle or sit and go at life single. YOUR RESULT: OUTGOING YOU IN 5 WORDS Gregarious Vivacious Talkative Kindhearted Spontaneous WHAT THIS SAYS ABOUT YOU Bob, if theres a crowd gathering, youre there. Your infectious personality can energize almost any social situation and youre comfortable leading the conversation. You also know when to take a breather and actually listen to others. When you trust the people youre with, you let your love flow freely and enjoy receiving unrestrained warmth in return. +REACTIONS OTHERS MAY HAVE TOWARDS YOU At work, you make the environment livelier and more interesting. At home, you keep everyone connected. -REACTIONS OTHERS MAY HAVE TOWARDS YOU Some people may be threatened by your openness or find you too much to compete with.
Posted on: Mon, 17 Mar 2014 05:18:34 +0000

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