top stories STATEMENT: Our expulsion is illegal, anti-worker and - TopicsExpress


top stories STATEMENT: Our expulsion is illegal, anti-worker and anti-poor - NUMSA 09 November 2014 Union calls on all workers interested in a militant worker controlled union to join its ranks Read more » Related articles: Our response to the 5 charges against NUMSA - Irvin Jim » Our comment on NUMSAs expulsion from COSATU - SACP » COSATU now forced to declare its case against us - NUMSA » A FAMOUS GROUSE: An Antifaschistischer Schutzwall for South Africa? 08 November 2014 Andrew Donaldson writes that 25 years after the Berlin Wall came down the SACP is arguing we need protection from the West Read more » Related articles: Mathole Motshekgas brutal assault on the English language » Oudtshoorns orgy of corruption » OPINION: On Steve Hofmeyr and AfriForum 07 November 2014 Ernst Roets on where his organisation agrees and disagrees with the singer and activist Read more » Related articles: We have no relationship with Steve Hofmeyr - Land Rover » SAHRC dismisses complaint by Steve Hofmeyr against Africa Check » SPEECH: Creeping Communism in South Africa 07 November 2014 Dave Steward says the ANC govt, under SACP influence, is steadily diluting property rights Read more » Related articles: The ConCourts Renate Barnard ruling: Where to from here? » The management of diversity in Ukraine and SA » BIZNEWS.COM DAILY TOP FIVE: Ken Denysschens electrocution: Cadre deployment strikes again - BizNews 09 November 2014 And four other of the top stories on Alec Hoggs business news website, November 9 2014 Read more » Related articles: SAs new visa requirements lead to massive drop in tourism - BizNews » South Africas big money earners also biggest thieves - BizNews » DAILY SUN FRONT PAGE: Girl cries blood! - Daily Sun 07 November 2014 She bleeds and bleeds and doctors dont know why - front page lead, November 7 2014 Read more » Related articles: Senzos dad: Im hurt! - Daily Sun » Killer love! - Daily Sun » STATEMENT: Gareth van Onselen and Gareth Cliff: The Goebbels of today - Sello More 10 November 2014 Ministry of Sport and Recreation responds to BDLive columnists criticism of Fikile Mbalula Read more » Related articles: DA and EFF mix a dangerous experiment not to be tried at home - Fikile Mbalula » CAPE TOWN THIS WEEK: How Cape Town is retrofitting old RDP houses - Patricia de Lille 10 November 2014 Mayor writes that low cost govt housing built before 2005 without ceilings or weather walls Read more » Related articles: The ANC is almost completely morally bankrupt today - Patricia de Lille » Lwandle inquiry a R4m political hit squad - Patricia de Lille » FEATURE: Mujuru and Mugabe: What is going on? 10 November 2014 Eddie Cross writes that it is no longer politics as usual in Zimbabwe Read more » Related articles: Grace Mugabe and Maos last wife » South Africa: The view from Zimbabwe » STATEMENT: Bongani Siqoko elected deputy chairman new deputy chairman of SANEF 10 November 2014 Daily Dispatch editor takes over from former editor of the Star, Makhudu Sefara Read more » Related articles: SANEF thrilled at return of Nat Nakasas remains » We dont choose the winner of the Nat Nakasa award - SANEF » STATEMENT: Mokgalakwena Municipality now has two ANC mayors - Kevin Mileham 09 November 2014 DA MP says some form of national intervention is required as Limpopo MEC is also compromised by the situation Read more » Related articles: Police stage armed coup at Mogalakwena Municipality - Dianne Kohler Barnard » Expulsion of 22 councillors in Mogalakwena Municipality confirmed - ANC NDC » STATEMENT: Dudu Myeni must produce proof of her BA degree - Natasha Michael 09 November 2014 DA MP says Sunday Times has alleged SAA chairperson failed to complete her degree at University of Zululand Read more » Related articles: Eskoms top execs paid R60m in 2014 financial year - Natasha Michael » SA owed an explanation over latest Eskom blackouts - Natasha Michael » STATEMENT: Hlaudi Motsoeneng bribery claims strengthen our case - Gavin Davis 09 November 2014 DA MP says Marie Swanepoels sworn affidavit contradicts SABC COOs testimony to Public Protector Read more » Related articles: Hlaudi Motsoeneng suspension order welcome - COSATU » WCape High Court suspends SABC COO Hlaudi Motsoeneng - Gavin Davis » Hlaudi Motsoeneng judgement vindicates our view on PPs powers - James Selfe » STATEMENT: Spy Tapes: Decision to drop charges should be set aside - James Selfe 09 November 2014 DA MP says record of decision reveals that Acting NDPP Moketedi Mpshe had no proper basis for letting Jacob Zuma off the hook Read more » Related articles: Spy tapes: My reply to Moketedi Mpshes falsehoods - Bulelani Ngcuka » DAs pursuit of Spy Tapes hardly a fishing expedition - Marius Redelinghuys » DA has used the Spy Tapes as a red herring over past five years - ANC » OPINION: Will Emmerson Mnangagwa be king? 09 November 2014 Vince Musewe says it is quite obvious that President Mugabe had no clue of the potential of this country when we inherited it from Ian Smith Read more » Related articles: A letter to Amai Joice Mujuru and Amai Grace Mugabe » Is Grace the X factor for ZANU-PF? » STATEMENT: Why Andile Mngxitama was suspended for five days - Parliament 09 November 2014 EFF MP acted in a disorderly manner, defied the presiding officer, refused to withdraw from NA when instructed to do so Read more » Related articles: Blocked access to NCOP during President Zumas address regretted - Thandi Modise » STATEMENT: Moodys downgrade: We recognise that growth has slowed - Treasury 09 November 2014 Dept says Agencys decision to assign stable outlook affirms govts commitment to fiscal discipline (Nov 6) Read more » Related articles: Moodys downgrade a rejection of Nenes MTBPS - Dion George » SAs credit rating downgraded to Baa2 - Moodys » STATEMENT: We accept ConCourts ruling in Willie Spies case - HETN 09 November 2014 Lucky Thekisho confirms that his organisation will comply with the order Read more » Related articles: HETNs Willie Spies appeal attempt rebuffed by ConCourt - AfriForum » COSATU CEC MEETING: Our response to the 5 charges against NUMSA - Irvin Jim 09 November 2014 GS counters that COSATU leadership has violated constitution, acted in bad faith and allowed outside political interference Read more » Related articles: Our comment on NUMSAs expulsion from COSATU - SACP » COSATU now forced to declare its case against us - NUMSA » COSATU CEC planning to expel NUMSA - 9 COSATU affiliates » STATEMENT: Our comment on NUMSAs expulsion from COSATU - SACP 08 November 2014 Party says its supports Federations upholding and defence of its founding organisational principle of ‘one industry one union Read more » Related articles: COSATU now forced to declare its case against us - NUMSA » COSATU CEC planning to expel NUMSA - 9 COSATU affiliates » STATEMENT: EFF MPs could be sanctioned with up to 30 day suspensions - ANC 08 November 2014 Office of Chief Whip notes recommendations of Powers and Privileges Committee, says allegations of bias are nonsensical Read more » Related articles: Powers and Privileges Committee just a kangaroo court - EFF » 20 EFF MPs found guilty on various charges - Powers and Privileges Committee » BOOK REVIEW: Milton Obote and Idi Amin: Kenneth Kaundas great regret 08 November 2014 Trevor Grundy writes on former Commonwealth SG Sonny Ramphals autobiography Glimpses of a Global Life Read more » Related articles: Boris Johnson wants UK opened up to more Commonwealth migrants » Kenneth Kaunda and the white boys » STATEMENT: Contracts terminated of companies in Limpopo tainted school food scandal - DBE 07 November 2014 Dept says Amandla Karabo failed to comply with requirements, physical address of Dingatana could not be located (Nov 6) Read more » Related articles: Matric: Chief markers and moderators to be appointed by DBE - Angie Motshekga » Why the Centre for Child Laws mud schools report is wrong - DBE » SPEECH: Restore the independence of the NCOP or scrap it - Elza van Lingen 07 November 2014 DA MP says the govt is just bulldozing bills through the House with scant regard to the interests of the provinces Read more » Related articles: Blocked access to NCOP during President Zumas address regretted - Thandi Modise » Our achievements over the past 20 years are considerable - Jacob Zuma » more news MOST POPULAR Our expulsion is illegal, anti-worker and anti-poor - NUMSA» On Steve Hofmeyr and AfriForum» Creeping Communism in South Africa» Ken Denysschens electrocution: Cadre deployment strikes again - BizNews» Dudu Myeni must produce proof of her BA degree - Natasha Michael» IN DEPTH ANALYSIS Is Oxfam crying wolf on hunger?» James Myburgh examines the claims made in the organisations recent report on food insecurity in SA Read more » Kenneth Kaunda and the white boys» Trevor Grundy on how Robert Oakeshott and Mike Faber saved the newly independent Zambia millions Read more » South Africas cult of mediocrity» RW Johnson responds to Jonathan Jansens article Meritocracy is still a myth Read more » The extraordinary political rise of Dr Grace Mugabe» Jan Raath on what lies behind the efforts to promote the Zimbabwean Presidents wife into high office Read more » Why do you want to kill us?» Andrew Donaldson reviews A Man of Good Hope, Jonny Steinbergs book on the Somali experience in South Africa Read more » ISERVICE Ken Denysschens electrocution: Cadre deployment strikes again - BizNews» Girl cries blood! - Daily Sun» Senzos dad: Im hurt! - Daily Sun» SAs new visa requirements lead to massive drop in tourism - BizNews» Killer love! - Daily Sun» South Africas big money earners also biggest thieves - BizNews» Save me from my belly! - Daily Sun» view more STATEMENTS AND DOCUMENTS Bongani Siqoko elected deputy chairman new deputy chairman of SANEF» How Cape Town is retrofitting old RDP houses - Patricia de Lille» Gareth van Onselen and Gareth Cliff: The Goebbels of today - Sello More» Our expulsion is illegal, anti-worker and anti-poor - NUMSA» Ken Denysschens electrocution: Cadre deployment strikes again - BizNews» Mokgalakwena Municipality now has two ANC mayors - Kevin Mileham» Dudu Myeni must produce proof of her BA degree - Natasha Michael» Hlaudi Motsoeneng bribery claims strengthen our case - Gavin Davis» Spy Tapes: Decision to drop charges should be set aside - James Selfe» Why Andile Mngxitama was suspended for five days - Parliament» view more
Posted on: Mon, 10 Nov 2014 07:49:25 +0000

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