translation: Astonishing mosaics discovered by archaeologists in - TopicsExpress


translation: Astonishing mosaics discovered by archaeologists in the ancient Greek city of Zeugma in southern Turkey, near the border with Syria. The city is the Hellenistic period and founded the successor of Alexander the Great Macedonian general Seleucus Nicator (hence the Seleucid dynasty), around 300 AD .. The Zeugma is 80% submerged, flooded by the waters of the artificial lake, the dam Biretsik. The artifacts that were discovered in excellent condition, dating from the 2nd century AD. This unique art mosaics, depicting the Muses and the Ocean The mosaic of the Muses, the name of each is written in Greek, and Hellenistic common was the international language of the time. In a mosaic, representing the nine Muses, portraits, decorated large room in the house that archaeologists have named House of Muses, because of special impression in architectural elements and decoration. In the center is shown Calliope and around the sisters. In Hesiod Calliope was the greatest and noblest of the nine Muses, patron of epic poetry and rhetoric, and all the Fine Arts (Kalliepousa), hence the choice of the center of the composition is not strange. The second mosaic represents the ocean and Tithy is finer than another with similar composition is found in a different location. The liveliness of the figures, their beauty and wonderful colors impress. Indeed, experts say that they have used specially constructed glass tesserae. The third is smaller and represents young man.T archaeologists presenting the findings to the press, referred to the mosaics are as Roman. According to hurriyet dailynews scientists estimate that the ancient city of Zeugma was about 2-3000 houses, of which 25 remain under water. The excavations started in 2007 is expected to be completed in 2015.
Posted on: Sat, 15 Nov 2014 00:32:54 +0000

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