true story: a couple of weeks ago my son comes home from school - TopicsExpress


true story: a couple of weeks ago my son comes home from school with a form for the cub scouts. and tells me how a couple of his friends from school are joining and would it be ok if i filled the form out so that he could attend, i said no problem. but i gave him the talk that it was my understanding that the scouts was a preparation tool used to get young boys intrested in a form of government structure simular to the military (but not in so many words).......... so i signed the papers for him and asked if he was sure, he replied "yes"....... that tuesday he informs me that he had a scout meeting at 6:30 that night, and asked if i could take him. i said "sure". (keep in mind that my son who is 10, and me being an atheist and anti government, anti police, ect, ect....) i told my son that i would not embarrass him in front of his peers, and climb up on my soapbox and tell them all of the errors of their ways) now mind you that all of the meetings take place at a local church near my house. (a church on every street corner) we go to the first meeting as i sit quietly and watch my son play with his friends, and listen to the "pack leader" explain how much fun they will have with camping, fishing, craftwork and other projects......... end of the meeting and we are driving home, he looks at me and says "thanks dad, i had fun" i said "good" as we make our way to the house................... the following tuesday comes and i remind him that he has a scout meeting at 6:30 that evening....... we get in the truck and i am driving listening to the radio, we arrive at the churh and go in... the pack leader is moving tables and chairs around. i walk over shake his hand and tell him nice to see him again, and quietly sit down again. this meeting was differnt the boys said the cub scout oath, then said the "pledge of allegiance" (mind you the boys are gung-ho) they start talking about fund raising and how the boys are expected to raise money for all the things they are going to do, and how the church wants them to be a part of the things that they do to raise the money. end of the meeting they bow heads and say a small prayer........ (not me, well you know my issues) but i was very polite and quiet and didnt upset their flow... we get in the truck and start our drive home... he loos at me and asks "would it be ok if i dropped scouts and take karate?" i said "sure"....... then he looks at me and says "i have fun with my friends, but the rest of the stuff they do there seems pretty piontless".................. i did not say a word i just thought to myself, thats my boy.
Posted on: Wed, 28 Aug 2013 09:08:45 +0000

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