t’s face it… if you’re reading this… you’re not 100% - TopicsExpress


t’s face it… if you’re reading this… you’re not 100% happy with your badminton game. And you’re not 100% convinced you’ve reached the skill level that you’re capable of yet. So let me ask…are you wasting a lot of your energy on the court… energy that you COULD be conserving for later in the match, when your opponent is tired? Does it often seem like you get tired before your opponents do? Do you ever find yourself dealing with nagging injuries that just seem to happen more often? Do you struggle to recover from deep lunges or the back corners of the court? Do you struggle to cover the whole court quickly and easily? Are your smashes weak and inaccurate… allowing your opponent to react quick enough to drive back easily? Let me also ask… would you like to cover the court quickly, easily, and with minimal energy? What if you could smash the shuttle with so much force and power, it lands over the net before your opponent can even get to it. Or, in those times you need to use finesse… you can rely on skill and technique… and use the most delicate touch shots. Hitting the shuttle in different directions and to various distances with ease. What if you could cover more ground in less time… going from corner to corner in a fast, smooth motion? Would you like to add that “snap” and power to your strokes… giving them that extra bit of speed that lessens the chance of your opponent being able to get to it and hit it back? What if you could hit your shots with more accuracy and make fewer errors? What if you could move faster, with more energy, and for longer than your opponents? What if you felt strong enough to recover from difficult positions and your shots had more power to them? What if you could find a way to get rid of that never ending injury so you can play more often? Would Any of This Help You Become a Better Player? Would your game improve if you were stronger, quicker, had more energy, and had less injury? I’m sure it would. I’m sure you’d love the game more. But honestly, most players won’t take the time to do much about it. Most will continue to play average badminton, with a level of mediocrity… never being experiencing the thrill of being the best they can be. When I say “most”, I mean 97%. Perhaps you’ve already experienced that? Feeling as if you’re just not playing at the high skill level you THINK you could be playing at? So what’s that doing for you? Are you upset that you’re not reaching and fulfilling your potential? Maybe you do your very best to become the best badminton player you’re capable of becoming… but you end up just never reaching what you feel is your best. Maybe you feel like no matter how hard you try, you’re just never going to play the high level of badminton you know you’re capable of? Does any of this sound familiar? Don’t feel bad – the reason for your frustrated efforts is not a lack of willpower, that’s for sure. The reason you can’t seem to reach the pinnacle of success with your badminton playing is really quite simple, and even easy to fix. What has held you back is you haven’t focused on the 2 most important keys to becoming the best player you can be. That’s right… master just 2 steps and you’ll not only reach your potential, you could become a great badminton player. All You Need Is a MENTOR and a GUIDE to become One of the Very Best Badminton Players… It’s really that simple. But maybe not obvious to most who are trying to get better. They think there must be 100 different things they have to focus on. They think it takes years and years of practice. The truth is, though, every great accomplishment involves learning from others and gaining experience. Sometimes that’s not obvious to us. Sometimes we think others were just born with the ability to play great badminton. They weren’t. At one time, every great player started right where you are right now. And once they did the 2 things that I’m going to show you right now, they too were able to become much better players. There’s no reason holding you back from the same kind of success that others enjoy. And there’s even better news: you can enjoy that success faster, better, and easier than those who came before you. Because right now, I’m going to share with you the only 2 thing you have to focus on, if you want to become the best player you can be. If You Improve Your Fitness and Your Technique… You’ll Become One of the Very Best Players… It’s true that some badminton players can just play incredibly well, as if it seems like they’re not even trying. But the fact is, very few players have the fitness levels and skills needed to play at a high level, without some kind of practice, workouts, or skill improvement. With poor technique and fitness levels, playing good is a lot harder. But if you improve your technique and fitness levels, you can become a great player. It’s true, having the proper fitness and cardio levels is the “foundation” to great play. If you can’t move well or if you don’t have good fitness levels, then all the skill and technique won’t help you! All the best athletes in the world have one thing in common: they are physically fit and that allows them to play longer and use their technique. It doesn’t matter if it’s pro football, soccer, or basketball… all top athletes rely on their fitness levels. If you’re not physically fit, you won’t be able to use your technique as well, so it’s important that we start with a solid foundation of being fit. So first, let’s make sure you have the strength, energy, and endurance you need. Introducing the Ultimate Badminton Athlete… 3D_athlete_dvd The first step to becoming a world-class badminton player is to work on your strength, quickness, energy, power, and endurance. That’s exactly what “The Ultimate Badminton Athlete” will do for you! The purpose of this 2 hour course is to provide you with the knowledge and the exercises necessary to become the best badminton athlete you can be… as well as keep you healthy enough so you don’t let nagging injuries get in the way of your play. What The Ultimate Badminton Athlete Can do For you richardtubing Tips To Prevent Nagging Injuries It’s no surprise that improving your fitness levels will help improve your play, right? That if you improve you strength, energy, and endurance… you’ll be able to cover the court better and you won’t tire out so fast? Also, improving your fitness will give you that power and snap on your shots, so they’re not easily gotten to by your opponent. A hard, fast shot is harder to get to and cover. Now here’s the surprising part. We all know that we should spend more time on our fitness, but there’s a difference between training harder and training smarter. This course will help you to TRAIN SMARTER so that you actually get BETTER results in less time. That’s right… it doesn’t take hours and hours of working out in order to improve your strength, energy, and cardio endurance. With a few simple secrets, you’ll improve your fitness levels AND all parts of your game. Here’s why the 2-hour video course “The Ultimate Badminton Athlete” will help you. You’ll Have More Energy Have you ever felt tired, winded, or sluggish on the court? Do you find that you start to fade towards the end of a match? This part of the course will help you develop badminton specific fitness so you can fight through the tough rallies and help you to do it for all three games. You’ll notice your energy and endurance begins to improve right away, so you can last longer, and power through when you’re feeling tired… outlasting your opponent in the process! The player who can last longer and finish stronger is usually the winner. Perform At a Higher Level There are many things that will help you to perform at a higher level, from an improved warm up, to increasing your cardio, explosiveness and speed. If you’re looking to compete and want to play the very best game you’re physically capable of, this will do it. Stop Getting Hurt Easily Nothing is more aggravating then dealing with constant, nagging injuries that can keep you off the court, or negatively affect your level of play. Injuries not only prevent your progress and getting better… but they also prevent having fun! Sitting on the sidelines, watching others play isn’t as fun as being on the court There are a number of common injuries that are preventable if you do a few simple exercises targeting those trouble spots. This is especially important for older players when your body doesn’t rebound as well as it used to when you were younger. Get Results Faster When you improve your fitness levels, you improve all parts of your game. There’s a reason that athletes in all sports spend a large amount of time in the gym. It’s because it helps improve their speed, strength, endurance, energy, power, and level of play. But the good news is… it doesn’t take a ton of time or energy in the gym to see results. With a few select techniques and tips, you can greatly improve your strength, energy, endurance, and total level of play in a lot less time… allowing you to beat more opponents and become the best player you’re capable of being. alexslide What’s In the Ultimate Badminton Athlete? This video fitness course has more than 70 videos and over 2 hours of exercise videos that will help you become faster, stronger, and better. Here are all of the sections included in this course: Movement Preparation – The Modern Warm Up Badminton is a multi-directional sport, so we’ll show you dynamic stretches and warm ups that will get you ready for the court. Prepare for fast, explosive, and sudden movement with exercises that will help you to move in a dynamic way. Plyometrics – Develop Explosiveness This section provides you with drills that teach your muscles to use power for those explosive movements. The key things you’ll be training your muscles for are explosiveness, reactivity and dynamic stability. Explosiveness helps with power shots like jump smashes. This will help you to react quickly to your opponents attacking shots. This will also help you to maintain your balance in challenging positions. Movement Skills – For Court Specific Movement Having the ability to hit good shots is important, but you also need to pay attention to your ability to move on the court. This section will focus on improving your ability to move your body. By being able to move faster, easier, and with more agility… you’ll become a better badminton player. Strength – Increase Power And Stability In this program you’ll train your body as a whole unit. In all sports, your muscles are designed to work together, so the exercises we’ve put together are designed to help improve your strength for badminton. The other big benefit of being strong is in preventing injuries, and enabling you to train longer and harder without getting hurt. Energy Systems – Last Longer, With More Intensity Energy system is simply another term for cardio. However, for a sport like badminton we can’t just rely on aerobic fitness. We have a few different systems we need to train that allow us to play for a long time, but also that allow us to play at high intensities from one rally to the next. With badminton’s current 21 points system… the sport is more of a sprint than ever, and focusing on old school fitness methods is no longer the best way. Injury Prevention – Improving The Weakest Links Sustaining an injury is a sure fire way to limit your progress in badminton! This section will make you more resistant to injuries so that you can train harder, and have more fun on the badminton court instead of sitting on the sidelines. Regeneration – Live To Fight Another Day You don’t increase your strength, endurance, and power just by working out… you improve during rest and RECOVERY after training. When you’re working your muscles… you’re actually breaking down your muscles. The exercises in this section help your body to recover faster, and improve faster. richardheadshot Richard Gibney These exercises and techniques are taught by Richard Gibney. Very few trainers understand badminton like Richard does. Often times trainers will get you to lift heavy weights, or they’ll just tell you to run. They don’t show you which exercises and movements will relate to your game and help you become a better player. But Richard knows exactly how to relate your fitness levels to your game. Richard started playing badminton in the early 90′s and played competitively in Canada for several years. He has also been training competitive badminton players for 10 years. Richard has worked with a number of national champions. In fact last year the number one and number two Canadian players worked with Richard. Some of Richard’s Players willmilroy Former Pro Player Will Milroy Former Canadian National Champion Mens Doubles and Mixed Doubles, Pan American Champion, Commonwealth Games Team Member alex_pang_vs_lee_chong_wei Alex Pang 2010 Canadian National Champion Men’s Singles, Commonwealth Games Team Member martin_giuffre Under 23 National Champ Martin Giuffre 2010 Canadian u23 National Champion Mens Singles, Thomas Cup Team Member What Do The Players Say about Richard Gibney? “I’ll do whatever Richard tells me to do…” Alex Pang, Canadian National Champion 2010 “Richard’s physiological knowledge, attention to detail, creativeness makes him a standout trainer in my mind. He emphasizes great quality in the movements which is an absolute must. I sincerely believe any player who follows this program with diligence will see tremendous improvement in their game” David Snider, Canadian National Champion 2008, 2011 “I truly believe that anyone using these training videos will see significant improvements in their fitness and strength, and will reduce their chances of getting injured.” Peter Rasmussen, 1997 World Champion, 1997 Japan Open Champion 2002 European Champion So step one to being the best player you can be is to work on the foundation of fitness. Now that you’re physically at your top shape for peak performance… it’s time to work on your skill and technique. And who better to teach you about skill and technique… than World Champion Peter Rasmussen? Now you can learn proper skill and technique from someone who trains champions of all ages, from juniors all the way to the Master’s level! This 2 hour course is called “The Essentials of Badminton Technique” and covers the essential badminton techniques to help you instill the skills you need for your game. Introducing “The Essentials of Badminton Technique” dvd3d.jpg This course has more than 27 videos, and over 2 hours of instructional content with in depth explanations of all the most important badminton skills. In these videos, you’ll learn… Front Court Skills Net Shot Cross Court Net Shot Neutral Net Shot Defensive Net Shot Net Kill Net Lob Defensive Lift Smash Return Drives Back Court Skills Forehand Clear Backhand Clear Defensive Forehand Clear Forehand Drop Backhand Drop Forehand Slice Reverse Slice Defensive Forehand Slice Defensive Backhand Slice Forehand Smash Backhand Smash Jump Smash Footwork Pre Load Jump Front Court Footwork Back Court Footwork Serve and Grip Forehand Serve (Short, Long, Flick) Backhand Serve (Short, Flick) The Grip Why Learn From Peter Rasmussen? So why would you want to learn techniques from Peter? Well, I could tell you how he’s a former World Champion… but instead, let me have others do the talking for me… “Technique is the foundation for any great player, and Peter delivers on this promise.” Poul-Erik Hoyer Larsen, Olympic Gold Medalist 1996 “Without extremely good technique you are limited in your possibilities.” Steen Pedersen, Former Danish National Team Head Coach I have loads of instructional videos on technique, but still found new ideas on the Online Videos that I hadn’t seen explained so well anywhere else. Well worth the price and I am looking forward to the next one!” Mel Wyatt, Customer from the U.K. What Will Excellent Technique Do For My Game? jumpsmash Learn Technique From One of the Greats! So what are the specific benefits of having excellent technique? Save Energy Have you ever noticed how effortless things look for the top players? They move around the court like they’re floating on air and can get out of really difficult positions because they can backhand clear from one corner to another with no effort. By perfecting your technique… you can make things so much easier for yourself. Be More Dangerous Hit a clear half court against me and you won’t return the next shot. Is that the case for you? Or are your opponents returning your shots easily? With improved technique you will be hitting much harder, and with more accuracy. Be scary out there! Stop Making So Many Mistakes Over and in! This is something you hear many coaches shouting at their players during training, and while you want to be hitting high quality shots that paint the lines, you also need to make sure that the shuttle goes OVER AND IN! By reducing the number of mistakes you make… you’ll win more games if your opponent makes more. Be More Deceptive You don’t need to be fancy to be deceptive. No trick shots necessary. However, when you have good technique your opponent won’t be able to read your shots. Anticipating where you’re hitting the shuttle next is very difficult. Always keep them guessing! crossnet Master Technique Like The Pros Do! If You Give me Just 4 Hours with these 2 courses, you’ll improve your skills 1,000% You can get both training videos right now! You can get the 2-hour “The Essentials of Badminton Techniques” by former world Champion Peter Rasmussen. You can also get the 2-hour “The Ultimate Badminton Athlete by professional fitness trainer Richard Gibney. Peter’s Online Videos will help you play better badminton from learning proper techniques. The fitness program will improve your speed, strength, energy, power, and endurance. Combine the two of these courses and you’ll become the best badminton player you’re physically capable of becoming. Look, I started Badminton-Information in 2006, BadmintonLife in 2009 and it has the most online visitors out of ANY badminton site. The reason for that is, we only recommend the very “best of the best” instructors and coaches. And believe me when I say this… this is the ONLY Badminton training video in the market that’s been produced by a former world Champion! Here’s Peter winning his world championship in 1997 Peter in 1997 And our fitness video is the only video online that focuses on a badminton players’ fitness needs! The exercises shown are specifically targeted for badminton players. With these 2 courses, you get the first “combination course” that works on both your fitness AND skill levels… making you a complete and well-rounded player who has no weaknesses! With The Essentials of Badminton Technique…and the Ultimate Badminton Athlete” … you get over 4 hours of video instruction that will not only make you a faster, stronger, more athletic badminton player… it will give you the skills and techniques needed to take your game to the highest level possible. Watch these Videos, You can Become a Better Badminton Player in less time! With The Essentials of Badminton Technique…and the Ultimate Badminton Athlete” … you’ll discover: What you must do before you even think about stepping on the court. Understand exactly how any player can greatly improve their skills in less time– it’s not as tough as you think (and it’s probably different then you think, too)! The secret to improving your fitness levels without spending hours in the gym How to do your exercises to get better results in less time (the usual advice is out of date and doesn’t work anymore). The powerful exercise to help with your explosiveness– this works like crazy! The reason why you should never go out on the court before you warm up right! The truth about how recovery directly affects your ability to prevent injury! How the world’s best players improve technique without practicing for hours! A proven strategy for increasing energy and endurance– it’s as simple as 1-2-3! How to increase strength & power in less time – not only is it possible, it’s easy! Get the inside track on how to avoid the top mistakes that can destroy your game– and how to make yourself bulletproof from making these mistakes! How to improve your physical game without hours of exercise The surprising secrets of improving your skills and techniques by doing the total opposite of what everyone else is doing! These are the same secrets that thousands of players have used to become better players, in a lot less time and hassle. And I feel sure these secrets will work for you! In Fact, Here’s Proof! Absolutely brilliant, great explanations and easy understanding. Peter is the guy who knows every stroke inside out. Andrew with Zuzka (Andrew Chang, Malaysia) Professional Coach Playing at the top level, mastering the strokes is a must if you want to play competitive badminton. Peter makes it easy with step by step and stroke by stroke explanation. Chan Kwong Beng (Chan Kwong Beng, Malaysia) National player Great video for all levels! It’s great mind opener as most players has their own perspective. Peter knows the fundamental of the game very well, if not he wouldn’t be a world champion! Anyone who follows this methods, with sufficient practice you’ll have great control of the racket. The racket is our weapon in the court! Wong Kin Yik (Wong Kin Yik, Malaysia) National player Right about now, if I were you, there would be one question on my mind… So How Much Does This Program Cost? If the only thing this program did was help you cut down the amount of time you spend working out, and doing exercises… while you STILL improve your strength, power, speed, endurance, and energy… it would it be worth $100, yes? And if the only thing this program did was increase your skills and techniques to the point where you’ve become the best player you can be… it would be worth $100, yes? And if the only thing this program did was to help you prevent nagging injuries from happening, so you can play more and have more fun, it would be worth $100, yes? And if the only thing it did was to show you exactly what to do with your exercise and skill set… so you can perform better on the court… move faster and easier, hit with more power, and beat more of your opponents… it would be worth $100, right? Well, the good news is… this 2-course combo does every single one of those things, and more! But it’s not going to cost you $100. How Much Would You Invest To Work With 2 of the Best Badminton Coaches on the Planet? In the past, the only way you could get this sort of technique and skill instruction from a World Champion would be to hire Peter as your “in-person” coach. That would normally cost you more than $80.00 per hour, and that’s if he could even take you as a client. He usually has a waiting list a month long. And the only way you could ever get Richard to coach you on fitness for badminton would be to hire him as your own personal coach. Once again, you’d have to pay over $80 per hour, or more, for his advice. Since we’ve been able to transfer all of the videos from DVD to online… we have no production costs, printing, shipping, or other costs. That means we can pass the savings on to you. You can get your hands on everything in just minutes from now. It’s all available as an online download you can start watching instantly. Remember this is the very best way to improve your physical endurance, energy, and strength on the course… while at the same time, you improve your skills and techniques dramatically. Talk about a powerful one-two punch to your opponents! Now, the normal price for just one of these courses is $39.95. We sell “The Essentials of Badminton Technique on our site for $39.95. We also sell “The Ultimate Badminton Athlete” for $39.95! That means both of these courses would be $79.90. But if you act right now, we will take $20 off. So for just $59.95 you get 4 hours of instruction. That’s $14.98 per hour of instruction. What makes more sense, paying $14.98 per hour for the information or paying $80 per hour for the same information? If you take advantage of this right now… you can get BOTH of these video courses for just $59.95. It’s true, we’ll take off $20 from your normal purchase price and your total investment only comes to $59.95 for both of these courses. For just $59.95. you’ll get 4 hours of the very best fitness information that will make you faster, stronger, and more powerful… while also increasing your energy and endurance. You’ll also get the very best technique for a Badminton player to learn. At the end of those 4 hours, you’ll have the physical skills and techniques to take your game to the very highest level. And it will be easy, simple, and fun. What’s more, it’s all instant, so you can start watching right away. This is THE MOST Affordable Way to Learn this Information I have to tell you… coaches can be effective… but they can also be a HUGE investment. That’s right… coaches are worth it, but they’re expensive… often charging several hundred dollars per session. But here’s the thing… what do coaches give you? That’s right, tips, advice, techniques, and instruction. In other words… they give you information! They show you what to do! And yet, with these Online Videos, you can learn all the information you need to improve your game fitness levels AND your techniques. But you’ll do it at a fraction of the cost. Even still… let’s make the deal even juicier… Act Now and You Also Get This BONUS 100% FREE! 1. Exclusive online interviews with Peter’s former coaches: Order now and you’ll also get interviews with both of Peter’s biggest badminton influences…his former coaches. Lian Ying Zhang was Peter’s junior coach. He’s considered by many to be the Yoda of badminton, and has molded many of the top players to come out of Denmark. Currently he works with the Danish national team. lianyingzhang Peter’s Junior Coach Steen Pedersen was Peter’s coach on the Danish National team and was the Danish National Coach for a number of years. Steen was coaching Peter when he won that epic match in 1997 against Sun Jun in the World Championship final. steenpedersen Peter’s Senior Coach 2. Badminton Fitness Training Program: image17 Professionally Designed Training Program Order now and you’ll also get a complete training program written by Richard himself and includes information on how to use these exercise videos. This is normally something that Richard charges $50 to provide for his clients, but you get it included for free with this course. 3. Watch Videos On Your iPod, iPhone or iPad: Order now and we’ll also include iPod ready files for the badminton fitness video! You can copy the iPod friendly files to your iPod, iPhone or iPad. This way you can bring your exercises with you to the gym or badminton court for your training sessions. ipod_athlete Watch on your iPod! 4. Interviews with Top Badminton Players! Order now and you’ll get a collection of interviews that I’ve made with former or current international players. So when you order today, and you get these bonuses free – so act now! 100%, Money Back, Satisfaction Guarantee! You know… I’m very confident these videos will help you become the very best player you can be. They’ve worked for each and every player who has seriously used them. But even so, I want to eliminate all worry for you by letting you use them at my expense! Go ahead and order the videos now and take a full 8 weeks to try out the techniques. If you don’t improve your stamina, and your athleticism, and your cardio and fitness levels… if you don’t improve your skill levels and you’re not playing the best badminton you’re physically capable of… I’ll refund 100% of your purchase price. So you have an important choice to make here. You can keep WISHING you were a better player. If you keep doing the same things over and over again, you’re going to keep getting the same results. Or you can take action now to improve your game and get started now by purchasing this 4 hour video package. These skills are the foundation of Peter’s game, the same game that Peter used to become a Danish national champion, a European champion, and a World champion. What are you waiting for? In just a few short weeks… you can be playing at a level you’ve never experienced before… a level that makes you feel great and lifts your self-confidence to a limit you never thought possible. You’re Standing at the Crossroads Of the two roads before you, the one on the left is the road you’ve been traveling already… it’s rough, uphill, and it leads to the same game skills and endurance. On the right, the road less traveled. It’s smooth, paved, and proven to be the easiest way to get in game shape and improve your techniques so you’re playing the best badminton ever. Choose the right road. Let’s walk that road together. Here’s what to do now: Click the link below and order with your credit card or check online and you’ll be accessing the videos and bonuses in just a minute! Instant Access addtocart Sincerely, Chau Yap P.S. One year from today, you will certainly “arrive”. The real question is… where? If you want to be playing better than you are now, you’ll have to do something different than what you’re currently doing. Take the first step toward a different future, in order today. Remember, with the “no questions asked” guarantee, there’s no risk. Normally these videos cost $39.95 each… but if you order right now, you can get BOTH for just $59.95 That means you’re saving $20. Click on the link below to order today! Instant Access addtocart Site Meter
Posted on: Tue, 13 Jan 2015 10:26:51 +0000

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