ugh it goes. comment or whatever and i guess ill give - TopicsExpress


ugh it goes. comment or whatever and i guess ill give you a number if you want? whatevs...Sean Thompson gave me 18 which i think is cruel and unusual. regardless, here are my 18 random over-shares bc hey, everyone else is doing it 1. i used to think that i had been living really randomly, taking the opportunities that felt right and leaving those behind that maybe made more sense at the time. im realizing now that thats exactly what i was supposed to be doing and am so grateful that i did bc i truly feel like ive finally found my calling 2. Im just now coming to realize social work as a calling even though now it seems obvious that all roads led to where im at now. i may have talked a big game about it before but until now it just seemed like something i fell into (see number 1) 3. im realizing that ive somehow compartmentalized those different phases of my life and the people involved in them (including family) into separate worlds which kinda sucks bc i think all of you would really get along with each other...perhaps too well in fact :) My social work friends/co-workers dont believe me when i tell them i used to act and my theater friends know very little about what im up to now. and i dont let anyone meet my family which is also dumb bc my family is awesome and i hope they know that i think that..but they are MINE and i dont like sharing them esp when i dont get to see them as much as id like 4. im a very loyal person often to my own detriment. BUT once you push me to the point of no return, there is no coming back from that and i am capable of shutting it down frighteningly fast 5. im disgustingly sentimental and seriously its ridiculous but i own it. that in combination with being very loyal (see number 4) means that i still feel just as strongly about people i consider friends from my past as i do those i consider friends in the present. im working on showing that better since ive been known to lose touch with folks that i still think of as being very important to me (also including family) 6. i over commit and over extend myself all the time bc i want to give people what they want and not be disappointed. i FINALLY realize thats a problem and that putting myself first doesnt necessarily mean that im being selfish 7. in the clinical track theyre always making us reflect, examine, and deconstruct on our own crap before we sit down and start taking on other peoples baggage. i didnt understand why that was important until recently or that i even had baggage...but we all do, whether we realize it or not, and thats okay 8. i have trouble giving myself credit for my accomplishments. in the same way that it feels selfish to put myself first, it feels like bragging to discuss those achievements which sucks bc ive worked really hard and done some really amazing things...the next couple bullets are an effort to celebrate those things 9. im a really great writer. always have been. bc of that (and some awesome teachers in hs) i never had to take english or history in college which kinda sucks bc i really enjoy them. a prof pulled me aside at the end of one semester (for a core req with 100+ students) and tried to convince me to switch my major. i thought about it. the first thing i ever wanted to be was a writer (...well besides captain of the enterprise) 10. im surprisingly athletic (i know right!?) but not in normal sports. i was a 3rd degree black belt with 16 medals on the AAU National circuit (11 gold) and captain of the swim team in hs for 2 years. it genuinely surprises people that i can be physically adept at picking up something new while also not being able to shoot a basket to save my life...idgaf 11. i miss theater. there. i said it. i need that creative outlet in my life. ive been working on ways to incorporate it into the world of social work but its not the same 12. i was a decent actor...when i put the work in. i was one of the Kennedy Center Irene Ryan nominees for IN CONFLICT which was a play that i am insanely grateful to have been a part of. i have often cited that play as the catalyst that affirmed my commitment to social justice issues and also why i got out of theater bc after that show, nothing captured my attention or fulfilled me the same way...until i got into social work 13. speaking of IN CONFLICT, i gave up my spot in a graduate program in Drama Therapy in San Francisco (1 of 15 spots) to go on tour with that show. yes i could have had a masters by now, but instead i lived in Scotland, made an Off-Broadway debut in New York and got to perform 95 shows with a group of people who changed my life forever. i have no regrets. 14. im not religious. i tried to be when i was younger but it wasnt for me. HOWEVER, that does NOT mean that i dont believe in anything. my beliefs are very personal to me as i understand them and as i continue to understand them as they evolve. for me, a belief in a higher power should be a humbling personal journey that never ends, in line with the idea that life itself is meaningless, but the pursuit of meaning is meaningful. you could call it being spiritual but that sounds like pretentious hipster jive. i dont subscribe to labels 15. turning 29, although seemingly arbitrary, was a revelation. i have had a very specific set of goals since like...16 (?) that i wanted to achieve by the time i turned 30. so far its looking like i have exceeded those goals (if i EVER finish this masters) and im very proud of that...but have no idea whats up next and have NO plan. i find this really exciting, almost a relief... 16. im a hypocrite. so are you. we all are. it happens. lets cut each other some slack..k? 17. im obsessed with all things space. always have been. besides being a huge star trek nerd (dont even come at me in star trek scene will be destroyed. resistance is futile) space is a huge source of inspiration for me. the discovery channel is a dangerous place for me, if you ever catch me in a marathon kindly remind me to eat and go to the bathroom every once in a while... 18. im becoming more and more like my mother everyday...and also realizing that its a good thing...ugh. Did you hear that Theri McKinney Callahan!?! bc im not going to repeat it...and if you mention this in real life (the outer-web) ill deny everything whoa...that was intense. 18 was too many...very cathartic though...but self-indulgent? maybe. whatevs...haha :)
Posted on: Mon, 18 Nov 2013 01:27:44 +0000

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