uk, econ ignorance and populist/nationalist hate-myths marketed to - TopicsExpress


uk, econ ignorance and populist/nationalist hate-myths marketed to the ignorant poors....Into this mix of personal experience and imagination—and the odd splash of old-fashioned bigotry—goes a hefty dose of mythology. The popular press is at least partly to blame. A study of newspaper reports over the period 2010 to 2012 by the Migration Observatory found that the word most commonly attached to “immigrant” was “illegal”. Among the other most frequently associated terms were “influx”, “sham” and “wave.” Sure enough, according to Ipsos MORI, the average voter thinks foreign-born immigrants constitute 31% of the population, well over twice the correct proportion. Such misconceptions certainly help account for Britons’ hostility. The BSA study tested respondents’ knowledge of immigration controls. Those who answered correctly were over twice as likely as others to think that the benefits of immigration outweigh the costs. Mr Cameron cannot credibly parrot voters’ sometimes irrational views. But, rightly or wrongly, immigration is increasingly a priority for Britons. What can he and other mainstream politicians do? A prospective Tory candidate for the Rochester by-election suggested that she supported UKIP’s stance on immigration. In the opposition Labour Party (which has limited itself to talking about the importance of the English language and minimum-wage enforcement) several MPs have called for their leaders to take a harder line. But as sensible types in both parties have pointed out, it is impossible to out-UKIP Mr Farage. Better to appeal to voters’ appetite for credibility and authenticity—and to mix reassurance and myth-busting with policies to relieve strains on public services and living standards. A messy solution, it is true, but no messier than the problem itself. economist/news/britain/21627666-britons-views-immigration-are-perplexing-blend-myth-and-reality-melting-pot
Posted on: Tue, 28 Oct 2014 18:24:06 +0000

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