uova sbattute stamattina per colazione Egg - The Polite - TopicsExpress


uova sbattute stamattina per colazione Egg - The Polite Force (1971) (00:00) 1. A Visit to Newport Hospital (08:28) 2. Contrasong (12:53) 3. Boilk (22:16) 4. Long Piece No. 3 | Part 1 (27:24) Part 2 (35:04) Part 3 (40:07) Part 4 Personnel Dave Stewart - organ, piano, tone generator, orchestron Mont Campbell - bass, vocals Clive Brooks – drums Guests Henry Lowther - trumpet (2) Mike Davis - trumpet (2) Bob Downes - tenor sax (2) Tony Roberts - tenor sax (2) Released in 1971, The Polite Force is the second album by British band Egg. It is often regarded as the band’s best work and displays an advance in compositional maturity which moves away from the lingering psychedelic-pop sensibilities of their debut album toward a more avant-garde instrumental approach. The music is a fine example of early English progressive rock, bearing many similarities to Soft Machine. Although the music of Egg does have occasional singing, it is mostly instrumental and as such relies on tight ensemble playing and interesting thematic and melodic material with extended chordal harmonies and irregular time signatures. The song A Visit to Newport Hospital tells the story of the bands origin: There used to be a time when we lived in the van We used to loon about with Janice, Liz and Ann Now looking back it seemed to be a happy time And so we kid ourselves we didnt really mind The hang-ups and the lack of bread There were four of us then, the group was Uriel We played five nights a week at Ryde Castle Hotel We spent our time avoiding skinheads and the law It was a freedom that wed never felt before And now were doing this instead It was a way of life that was completely new And so we found that we had quite a lot to do The time passed slowly and each day was much the same We ate and loved and slept and no one was to blame For saying things better left unsaid Recensione di Larrok (DeBaser) 5 stars) Il progressive è stato caratterizzato, a partire dalla fine dei 60 fino a metà dei 70, dalla presenza di molteplici sottogeneri; uno dei miei favoriti è la cosiddetta scena di Canterbury, essendo stata vera e propria fucina di miriadi di gruppi davvero interessanti e precursori quali Caravan, National Health, Hatfield and the North, Soft Machine, Gong, Matching Mole, ecc... Una delle tante formazioni che brillavano in quel periodo, tra il 69 e il 72, è quella degli Egg, trio londinese artefice di un Prog che si sporge molto sul versante Jazz, pur continuando a proporre le classiche sonorità un po sinfoniche e un po davanguardia. Il loro album The Polite Force, pubblicato nel febbraio del 1971, contiene, a mio parere, alcuni tra gli episodi più ispirati della loro breve carriera. Liniziale A Visit to Newport Hospital è quanto di più piacevole e al contempo ricercato (a livello di ritmiche e armonie) il movimento canterburiano abbia prodotto, con quel suo riff iniziale cupo e severo che però fa imprevedibilmente da introduzione a una tranquilla e sognante cavalcata, dominata da una sapiente sezione ritmica e una suadente tastiera, degna dei più dolci Caravan o Camel. La voce del cantante-bassista Mont Campbell trasmette a sua volta calma e intensità allatmosfera generale del brano. Questo pezzo è, per chi ama il canterbury-sound, una delle sue indubbie vette. Si passa poi ai pazzi tempi dispari di Contrasong, nella quale si può apprezzare anche la sezione di fiati composta da due trombe e due sax tenori. La terza traccia Boilk esplora i territori del prog più d avanguardia essendo una sorta di esperimento sonoro che è accostabile ad alcuni lavori di Krautrock (Faust, ecc...) e che probabilmente ha contribuito ad ispirare il Fripp di Larks Tongues in Aspic . La seconda facciata dellLP è occupata interamente da una lunga suite strumentale dal nome Long Piece No. 3, suddivisa in realtà in 4 parti che fluiscono naturalmente luna nellaltra. La composizione come importanza si può affiancare tranquillamente ad una 9 feet underground, essendo un lungimirante esempio, oltre che di eccelsa maestria strumentale, anche di assimilazione di vari elementi jazzistici, sinfonici e sperimentali, con un valido, e a tratti forse riuscito, tentativo di sintetizzarli in un unicum, sebbene si tratti pur sempre di progressive tastieristico, per molti versi accostabile allo stile di Van Der Graaf Generator ed Elp. Ci troviamo per cui di fronte ad una band di nicchia, ma in fin dei conti storica che, al suo apice, è stata importante per lo sviluppo successivo del prog di Canterbury e, come penso, non soltanto in quellambito. La mia valutazione sarebbe 4,5 circa, ma visto che di album così se ne trovano sempre meno e, inoltre, vedo spesso che viene assegnato il massimo dei voti a dischi che francamente non meriterebbero nemmeno mezza stella, mi sento di concedergli volentieri mezzo punto in più. Review by Atavachron (progarchives) (5 stars) SPECIAL COLLABORATOR Honorary Collaborator This is not just a spectacular example of the Canterbury sound at its very best, it is a superior record of British Progressive Rock at the zenith of power, inventiveness and musicianship. The brilliant Dave Stewart leads drummer Clive Brooks who kicks out the polyrhythms with passion, Mont Campbells pumping bass, and a team of horn players in a session that rivals albums such as National Healths Of Queues and Cures (also with Stewart) and ELPs Tarkus. The first two cuts present this organ-based, Bach-infused yet jazzy music in digestable, melodic portions. Track 3, Boilk, begins as a blend of atmosphere, sound effects and psychedelic flip-outs that leads to a serious display of prime prog rock inspiration and facility. The closing cut is the wonderful Long Piece No. 3, a definitive statement of the time and a quintessential look at where rock music was going, or at least *capable* of going. Not just for Canterbury fans but for all who love prog in its youth, Eggs The Polite Force is an indispensable document and a true masterpiece of its kind Review by Kazuhiro (progarchives) (5 stars) If the fact album says by the flow of original Egg because a lot of tunes for Wind Quartets by which Bass players Mont Campbell had started it were collected to the album, it might be a concluded album though Egg announced The Civil Surface in the shape reorganized in 1974. The tune that Campbell had composed in The Civil Surface was a tune with the taste like the chamber orchestra it differed from the flow till then. Campbell takes charge of this album and French Horn besides Bass. Egg that had debuted in 1970 was a band from which they had been formed by the companion by the keyboard player in the band with the form of Trio that put Clive Brooks in Mont Campbell and the drum player in Dave Stewart and the Bass player at students time. A classical element is excluded a little and ..style included ..sound of a variegated keyboard.. further.. has finished in this album though had taken a little classical element as their debuts Album are the overall. They always take the humour to music and digest a peculiar element of Canterbury at the same time. The work of Stewart is always good. As for his sense, it is demonstrated since Egg in various bands. As for the entire impression of this album, the performance evolves from First Album further and the sense of Stewart twines round a complex rhythm well. Hoop Stewart to which Steve Hillage will not be on the register by the companion of the same student is accomplished in the band from which competing with Hillage is called Khan again after this album is announced before they debut. It has a very sensual flow by the sensibility of the melody of Stewart in A Visit To Newport Hospital and the progress of the code though it is a complex rhythm. The work of Stewart in Egg is really sentimental and sensual though sometimes overflows in the whole of the band the humour. The sense of incompatibility doesnt exist even if a doubtful melody is introduced into an opening part and the part of Coda because the element exists. The idea has succeeded. It is very a famous piece of music. Contrasong is being performed by the guest inviting the wind instrument player of four person organization. It is a tune with which the humour that Egg has overflows indeed. The rhythm basically has the pattern of 5/8 and 9/8. The fact to which Egg advances more technically can be found. Boilk progresses by the melody with non-daily element and gives the listener an uneasy impression. The flow that the collage is done progresses with a very experimental element. Long Piece No.3 is a tune with the flow of the suite as well as First Album. The processing of the space of the melody and the sound of the distorted organ progresses indeed splendidly in Part1. Such an arrangement might include a little classical element. However, Egg catches music at the angle besides the sound like The Nice. It rushes into the part of Quietness from the progress of the melody that gives the relief in Part2. The sense of Egg that produces such a flow is really wonderful. The tune moves to the part of Movement and performs the progress of a sensual code of Stewart again. Perform..sense..other..band..too much..busy..stripes..cork..announce..sense..preeminent.It is unusual existence. Part2 shifts to Part3 with the taste kept. They are doing the session for broadcasting of BBC at this time and the feeling of live has gone out of this suite indeed. Complex progress of the rhythm and the way of making the sound are the performances made only Egg though Part3 has the taste of the march. The tune chaotically moves to Part4. As for Part4, the rhythm of seven and the rhythm of five are used. And, the shine of the sound exists also in a complex rhythm. The distorted sound faces the end of the album dashing. The influence that the band had is very large though Egg dissolves back and was remarkable work about Stewart including United States Rascal Reporters. The music of Canterbury made us discover music that contained very various elements. And, the world also gradually influences it by the music of Canterbury. Gli Egg sono stati un gruppo musicale inglese di rock progressivo in attività tra il 1968 e il 1974. Anche se erano basati a Londra, sono considerati uno dei primi gruppi della scena di Canterbury. La loro musica è costituita da intricate parti strumentali con atmosfere jazz, citazioni classiche e virtuosismi. Il gruppo non riscosse particolare successo allepoca, ma fu successivamente riscoperto e rivalutato dalla critica, proprio per la complessità della parte strumentale. Notevole limpiego di tempi dispari e del contrappunto. Storia Gli inizi Allinizio del 1968, i tre compagni di scuola Mont Campbell (basso), Steve Hillage (chitarra e voce) e Dave Stewart (organo) ingaggiarono il batterista Clive Brooks e formarono il gruppo Uriel, che si limitò ad alcune esibizioni dal vivo eseguendo in prevalenza cover di brani blues. Il luglio seguente, Hillage lasciò per cominciare gli studi universitari e gli altri continuarono come trio, la parte vocale fu affidata a Campbell, abbandonarono le cover e durante i concerti suonarono nuovi brani scritti da Stewart e Campbell, particolarmente influenzati dal rock sinfonico dei Nice di Keith Emerson. Nel gennaio del 1969 la band prese il nome Egg e diede il via ad una serie di concerti dal vivo; in maggio firmarono per la Decca. I quattro ex membri degli Uriel si riunirono il mese successivo per registrare con il nome di Arzachel il loro unico album, leponimo Arzachel pubblicato dalla Egg/Roulette. Avendo firmato per la Decca, oltre a cambiare il nome al gruppo, nelle note di copertina i musicisti apparvero con degli pseudonimi. I primi due album In giugno, gli Egg registrarono il singolo di debutto Seven Is A Jolly Good Time / You Are All Princes, pubblicato il mese successivo dalla Nova, unaffiliata della Decca. Il primo album del gruppo, leponimo Egg, fu registrato nellottobre del 1969 e pubblicato nel marzo successivo. La formazione era composta dai soli Campbell, Stewart e Brooks; di rilievo gli intricati duetti tra Stewart e Campbell e lironia contenuta nei testi, una caratteristica dellemergente scuola di Canterbury. Subito dopo fu registrato il secondo album The Polite Force, ma la band era priva di un manager e poté pubblicarlo solo lanno dopo. I concerti si diradarono ed i componenti degli Egg alternarono le proprie esibizioni con quelle effettuate nella Ottawa Music Company, unorchestra rock di 26 elementi fondata da Stewart e dal batterista Chris Cutler. Scioglimento e riunione per il terzo album Si sciolsero nel luglio del 1972 e le registrazioni del loro ultimo concerto al Roundhouse di Londra sarebbero state pubblicate nel 2007 nellalbum The Metronomical Society. Al momento dello scioglimento, il gruppo aveva composto diversi brani per un nuovo album. Campbell iniziò a studiare composizione musicale e a prendere lezioni di corno al conservatorio, Brooks entrò nei Groundhogs e Stewart nei Khan, la band dellamico Hillage. Gli Egg si riunirono nellestate del 1974 per incidere The Civil Surface, il loro terzo album, in cui furono incisi i brani composti dalla band prima di sciogliersi e due di un quartetto di fiati diretto da Campbell, che in questi ultimi suonò il corno. Al termine delle registrazioni, a cui partecipò Hillage in qualità di ospite, il gruppo si sciolse definitivamente. Dopo lo scioglimento Stewart proseguì a suonare con gli Hatfield and the North, la band in cui era entrato nel gennaio del 1973. Nel gennaio del 1975, Campbell prese parte come ospite alle registrazioni dellalbum The Rotters Club degli Hatfield and the North. Nel luglio di quello stesso anno, subito dopo lo scioglimento di questo gruppo, i due entrarono a far parte della prima formazione dei National Health, altra band di punta della scena di Canterbury. Brooks suonò con i Groundhogs fino al loro primo scioglimento, nel 1974, e riemerse due anni dopo come batterista dei Liar. Steve Hillage si era unito ai Gong nel 1973 e ne sarebbe uscito alla fine del 1975; dopo alcune esibizioni con i National Health allinizio del 1976, si concentrò sulla carriera di solista. Discografia 1970 Egg (Nova/Deram) [CD: Deram/Eclectic04] 1971 The Polite Force (Deram) [CD: (Jap)/Eclectic04] 1974 The Civil Surface (Caroline Records) [CD: Virgin90] 1985 Seven Is A Jolly Good Time (See For Miles Records) (compilation di vecchi brani del 1969) 2007 The Metronomical Society (Egg Archive) (compilation di brani inediti suonati alla radio e live) Egg were an English progressive rock band formed in January 1969. Career The founding members of the group were Dave Stewart who played organ (not to be confused with guitarist David A. Stewart of Eurythmics), Mont Campbell on bass and vocals and drummer Clive Brooks. The band emerged from an earlier quartet formed whilst at City of London School called Uriel with guitarist Steve Hillage. After Hillage left the band in August 1968, the other three continued as a trio. Having signed a deal with the Middle Earth clubs management branch, they were advised to change their name to Egg, allegedly because Uriel sounded too much like urinal. In mid 1969 the band signed a deal with Deccas progressive music subsidiary Deram and released their debut album in March 1970 on their short-lived Nova series. While not a commercial success, it was received well enough for the label to finance the recording of a follow-up, but when the time came to release it, they got cold feet and it was all but shelved, until producer Neil Slavens lobbying finally resulted in The Polite Force coming out in February 1971. Now signed to The Groundhogs management company, Egg finished the year with an increased touring schedule, but in spite of accumulating enough material for a third album, were unable to secure another record deal, and called it a day in July 1972. In 1974, Stewart, now signed with Virgin as a member of Hatfield and the North, got a deal for Egg to record their unreleased material, which resulted in the farewell album The Civil Surface. In December 2007 an archival release of live recordings 1969-1972, titled The Metronomical Society was added to the canon. Egg are often regarded as part of the Canterbury scene, a loose movement of progressive and psychedelic musicians, based on Stewarts later membership of Hatfield and the North and National Health, although the band have no geographical connection to Canterbury. Their music can be described as progressive rock with elements of psychedelia and chamber rock (later exemplified by the Rock In Opposition movement). They employed unusual time signatures, as reflected in songs like Seven Is A Jolly Good Time. They also brought a humorous element to their music. Mont Campbell, the bands main composer, acknowledged the strong influence of Igor Stravinsky, resulting in multi-part suites such as the imaginatively-titled Symphony n°2 and Long Piece n°3. Campbell was also initially involved with Stewart in National Health. In 1981 Stewart teamed up with Colin Blunstone to record the UK No. 13 hit covering of What Becomes Of The Broken Hearted, originally made famous by Jimmy Ruffin. Later that year he had a UK No. 1 hit with former Hatfield and the North backing singer Barbara Gaskin covering Lesley Gores Its My Party (and Ill Cry if I Want To). The latter partnership continues. Two members of the band worked together again on Campbells solo release Music From a Round Tower of 1996. All tracks were composed/performed by Campbell (who by this time had become an expert on many ethnic instruments) and Stewart co-produced and made incidental musical contributions (as did Barbara Gaskin). In January 2009, Campbell appeared on British television as a prominent commentator throughout the BBC documentary Prog Rock Britannia: An Observation in Three Movements, reminiscing on Egg and the progressive rock movement in general. Arzachel In mid-1969, to capitalise on the psychedelic rock market, Stewart, Campbell and Brooks contributed to the one-off studio project Arzachel, named after a moon crater. Also featured in that project was Steve Hillage (on summer holiday from university), whod also been a member of the pre-Egg band Uriel. Egg were by that time under contract to Decca, therefore all credited with pseudonyms. Discography Original albums Egg (1970) The Polite Force (1971) The Civil Surface (1974) Compilation albums Seven Is a Jolly Good Time (1985) The Metronomical Society (2007) youtube/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=AI_OLlAh2rA
Posted on: Wed, 23 Oct 2013 13:51:15 +0000

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