update on me..... knee, boobs and assorted other parts. ok for - TopicsExpress


update on me..... knee, boobs and assorted other parts. ok for those of you wondering, here is the scoop from top to bottom.. years ago I hurt my knee. I was supposed to have laparoscopic surgery on it back in 2009. but before I could I had a heart attack and had to put off the knee. late in the year in 2012 I was again scheduled to have the surgery and sure enough ended up in the icu with my heart again.... so finally this year the cardiologist says I am well enough controlled to try again with the knee surgery. (he really doesnt know me at all does he) now by this time I have missed my window to have a nice easy laparoscopy and have to do a complete knee replacement.. yeah I know. fun times... so anyway a couple of days before the surgery I went for my yearly mammogram (you know where this is going dont you) sure enough a day or so after i came home after having the knee done they called me back from the mammography office. i needed a more in depth mammogram because they saw something and wanted a closer look. so i went back to them and they did a more in depth mammogram. (that means they squeezed tighter and more of me) the doc said he saw an abnormality and wanted to do a needle biopsy. ok they did that one a couple of weeks after the knee... when it came back it had some suspicious cells that arent actually cancer but turn into cancer and he wanted a bigger biopsy. basically a lumpectomy even tho there wasnt an actual lump even there yet. (talk about catching it early!) i had that done last Monday... went back to the doc today and he has good news and bad news.. the good news is that they got all of the suspicious cells and i wont have to have more surgery for that... however when they were analyzing the tissue they found some other different kind of suspicious cells. these cells dont actually turn into cancer but they raise your risk factors for getting it... soooo right now the doc is sending off the tissue to have it tested to see if it has the cancer gene and if it does i may have to have both breasts removed., he says its a personal decision between patients and their family but somehow i just cant see my family not fighting for everything its worth., for some silly reason they seem to like me and want to keep me around... i am also being sent to the oncologist to start chemotherapy... im hoping its the kind Mother had that didnt make her terribly sick..... wish me luck. sooooo thats about where it stands at the McNelly household.... poor bill is having to do so much more than he bargained for around here... (want to hear about how the floor fell thru in the bedroom?) having Shana next door has been a life saver... she has done or helped with most of the canning this year... oh which reminds me... 18 jars of peaches canned today and a big pot of peach butter simmering on the stove as we speak! so here we are... in the middle of a mess and have no idea what comes next... love of course is always welcome!
Posted on: Mon, 04 Aug 2014 20:08:35 +0000

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