(¯`v´¯) . ✿.¸.♥´ ´¯`˙·٠•●♥ Osho on - TopicsExpress


(¯`v´¯) . ✿.¸.♥´ ´¯`˙·٠•●♥ Osho on Buddha:~ Gautama Buddha was born on a full-moon night. ✿´¯`˙·٠•●♥ ~•({{{ COSMIC~UNIFIER:~ I was born on a full~Moon Day! AQU. Moon & LEO Sun ~ I always had synchronicity with Full~Moons ~ I always performed Full~Moon Rituals as it is my Fertile Time due to Birth @ Full~Moon ~ The distance between the Sun and Moon is now at its maximum, and I have experienced extreme polarization in life at every stage as I walk with a Grant Fixed CROSS at Birth, the One of the Christ Consciousness Rising ~ ✿´¯`˙·٠•●♥ These extremes experienced from Day One between Parents (Aries & Libra!! Oops, opposites themselves), gave me / provided me from my SOUL with a Knack of ✿......... U-N-I-F-Y-I-N-G of extremes through INTEGRATION within ~ ✿´¯`˙·٠•●♥ SUN was in the High~Heavens at my Birth in the mayan sign of EARTH with Tone Number 13 / Ascension & 13:29 hrs = SUN pointing to SOUL ~ Scorpio and Ophiuchus was rising = OLD SOUL indication with CHRIST RISING as Purpose ) ~ Life path 5 = pointer to moving the hueMAN Self that is my Temple / Vehicle to the CORE CONSCIOUSNESS of the ROSE at the CROSS~ROADS being Magdalene~Consciousness of the Rosicrucian Path of a Master SOUL, standing risen ~ ✿´¯`˙·٠•●♥ At the MC (High Heaven) , we are opposite the 4th house and so the Full Moon may find us very far from home ~ Aha, I always left HOME and finally to farthest place of offer i received = Australia! For children it is not uncommon to experience their parents’ divorce at this stage: their father and mother are now worlds apart. Mine were remaining (still) together to show extreme opposites to so unbearable degrees!! Oh Dear!! Many do not understand this about me who befriend me or enter into intimate relationship with me ~ ;-) ✿´¯`˙·٠•●♥ with the SUN in MC I ascend to the heavens & with the Moon in IC descend into the underworld of the ancestors who are also I in Pure FORM; in astrological terms: to travel up or down the world axis of the MC/IC. In fact, the crest of the wave as seen in the diagram represents the point of Greatest En~LIGHT~enment. At the Full Moon both solar and lunar forces are at their peak. The Moon is at its most visible and dramatic as it reflects the Sun’s light with maximum effect, while the MC is the Sun’s province, the point of noon where the Moses receives the ten commandments. Sun reaches its highest position in the sky. With all this light, we must see clearly. It is for this reason that the Full Moon is often quoted as being a time for visions and revelations. ✿´¯`˙·٠•●♥ What in the full~Moon synchronizes with the soul? the Full Moon always brings a release of energy ~ the Full Moon brings a sense of liberation ~ It is that The HueMAN PSYCHE becomes completely LIT within One that One sees and feels and goes through and beyond all Psyche / Veil / Filter / Paradigms to be able to bring that LIGHT here ~ The Sun in Leo Full Moon is also known as the Full Moon of Sirius, the star of Planetary Initiation. This Full Moon brings illumination like no other before. A great global awakening sign, all the lights of consciousness are being lit. Leo rules the heart and it is the home sign of Sol, the COSM~ic source of LOVE. The meditation keynote of the Leo-Aquarius Full Moon is: May the wellspring of Love find in us an unimpeded channel. ✿´¯`˙·٠•●♥ Aquarius is a pitcher that pours out a healing elixir we just raise our cups to receive. Meditation, music making and dancing open us to the new light. Illuminating cosmic energies flow for 3 days following each Full Moon. Revelations come in dreams, chance encounters and flashes of inspiration. Strange things happen at Full Moon when the lunar orb passes through the Earths magnetotail. Then, for 5 days (2 days before and 2 after the Full Moon), solar plasma flows strongly through the Earth-Moon connection and the Moon becomes so charged electrically that Moon dust floats over the lunar surface. This is the science, the metaphysics is that solar prana and consciousness is drawn most strongly through the Earth - and through us - when the Moon is Full.}}})•~
Posted on: Sun, 24 Aug 2014 13:53:06 +0000

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