very sad stuff going on all over the world.... Indigenous - TopicsExpress


very sad stuff going on all over the world.... Indigenous Leaders in Peru might face 30 years + to life in Prison for having organized effective peaceful protests which turned violent after military police initiated a violent deadly crackdown shooting live ammunition onto 2500 man , woman and children from helicopters. No one in the peruvian government has been made responsible while Indigenous leaders are facing years in jail. I believe that this move is meant to fundamentally weaken the indigenous movement in Peru, which is strongly opposing the governments plans to allow foreign extractive companies to rape and exploit Perus natural resources without the consent of the Indigenous communities who oppose these projects on their land. None of the Indigenous Leaders accused personally killed anyone in the violent crackdown, but are accused for killing Police since some protesters in fear of their life retaliated violently, killing many of the police who attacked their peaceful protest blockade in the early morning hours at “Curva del Diablo” on June 5th 2009. Many Police AND Indigenous protesters died, however no one in Perus government was ever was made responsible for ordering and igniting this violent crackdown. One thing is fore sure, at the time of the attack military police had guns, helicopters, tankers, tear gas and live ammunition, indigenous protesters had wood spears as a symbolic sign of strength... then the violent crackdown started and many died on both sides. now indigenous leaders are facing years in prison in the Peruvian governments new attempt to weaken the indigenous movement which has been standing firm an as a great example how everyday people can indeed hinder and even stop big multinational projects and corporations from destroying and polluting our earth — with Neddie Katsitsiaiohne.
Posted on: Sun, 01 Dec 2013 15:12:37 +0000

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