veteranstoday/2012/07/13/215387/ Excerpt from Veterans today, n - TopicsExpress


veteranstoday/2012/07/13/215387/ Excerpt from Veterans today, n short, rather than some humanitarian rescue fund, the IMF serves as a taxpayer-funded Leveraged-Buyout firm which for some strange reason is controlled by the international banking cartel. Once a nation agrees to accept funds from the IMF, it has agreed to allow bankers to reengineer the entire nation. You can imagine which side stands to benefit and which stands to lose. As part of its conditional loan agreements, the IMF has implemented a very controversial form of austerity which it has used since its formation decades ago. In fact, the austerity measures utilized by the IMF have been directly responsible for the much of the demise of the Greek economy since 2010. It is a well-known fact that the IMF’s approach to austerity most often destroys rather than restores economic stability. As history shows, in almost every situation when the IMF has become involved, it has made the nation worse off. Many nations are aware of this. Just ask officials in Brazil, Iceland, Hungary, Argentina, and many other nations what they think of the IMF. Greece is now learning how the IMF works. The IMF’s approach to austerity has been structured as a pro-cyclical fiscal policy, which is designed to tighten the budget. The objective of this approach is to improve the target nation’s competition by a reduction in labor costs that is expected to materialize as the result of internal devaluation of the economy. In turn, export trade is supposed to become more competitive, which is expected to help the recovery process. But this cookie-cutter approach is riddled with numerous flaws. In most cases when the IMF becomes involved, the pro-cyclical approach does more harm than good because it has been designed as a solution to address normal economic contractions. But the IMF only enters the picture when nations are facing very severe economic problems that extend beyond those encountered during typical economic contractions. As a result, the IMF’s pro-cyclical approach actually makes nations worse off because the “geniuses” at the IMF assume that the economic problems are cyclical in nature. Clearly, the problems in Greece do not resemble those seen during a normal economic contraction. Greece is in fact in a severe depression. Furthermore, as a way to carry out its globalization agenda, the IMF disregards the cultural uniqueness of nations it seeks to “assist,” thereby inflicting lasting socioeconomic and political disruptions. This points to an entirely different topic of discussion that I may address in the future. Overall, the economic approach taken by the IMF is one of privatization. This leads to a large reduction in government control of the economy. While some might view this as a good thing, the problem is that government control of basic goods and services is required in order to prevent industry collusion and price gouging which is often the result of privatization in nations with poor regulatory controls. The U.S. offers a good illustration of this point. European politicians have been led to believe that the IMF’s recommendations are in the best interest of the people. Yet, the IMF’s misguided approach to austerity continues to harm the entire European economy. This is not by coincidence, as the IMF serves as an arm of the Jewish Banking Cartel, which itself is the primary component of the Jewish Mafia. The Western media has also played a key role in the rape of Greece by the banking segment of the Jewish Mafia. As always, the Western media monopoly has teamed up with establishment economists in order to convince the people that the IMF is competent and is acting in their best interests. The media has also placed sole blame for Greece’s economic problems on Greek officials and the Greek people. This is a theme that is all too familiar. As one example, you will recall how the media focused on “greedy” and “deceitful” homebuyers in the U.S. as the source of the real estate collapse rather than focusing on widespread fraud by Wall Street banks.To truth seekers & sharers ask yourself how far do you want to take the truth? You will be surprised most or about 90% even history, political science, west Point, military, diplomatic corp. have no idea about Zionist cover up remember Mel Gibson vilified in media for drunken tirade? On December 23, 2013, The Federal Reserve Turns 100 Years Of Age And Their Charter Is Up For Renewal so we have less than a month to have our voice heard. Please loyal patriots do your part & write to Obama, Congress and everyone to share we dont want the fed controlling our monetary system.My friends there is no time for ballot iniative to vote on our only chance is to write directly to pres. Obama someone will read the message & pass it on to him. We have to be the Paul Reveres, Patrick Henrys, Snowden and other whistleblowers to end the fed. We have no time in your own words please write to POTUS Obama why we must end the fed. Please freely share to get the word out we have the numbers we need to be heard. The fed owns & controls 43,000 transnational corporations like Halliburton, please verify. Collusion is coming to devalue the dollar since many countries found out the fed is not accountable for auditing of gold reserves. Russia kicked out the fed in 2006 banning association with rothschild bankers. 6 Euorpean countries ousted the fed Greece, Iceland, Hungary, Russia among others that kicked out bankers. Our only chance is now! Think about rocking someones preprogrammed thinking by sharing what we know to be truth from reading alternate media and independent research banned in many countries to reach Americans what they heard & were taught in schl. Some people are ready like ripe fruit open to new ideas & ways of thinking when you provide links, references, reliable sources to support your conspiracy politics truth seekers can look up grudgingly just to show you up. Some wish to prove your an idiot, crazy, conspiratorial nut case on their phone while you wait for small talk beyond sports & entertainmt. If you want to pass on secret verifiable holohoax information it took you awhile to ascertain. Consider following footsteps of Ernst Zundel passing out flyers you will be protected by free speech laws. You dont even have to pay for free speech since there are free speech designated areas for your pulpit /podium. Give it a shot it will lead to finding likeminded souls maybe start a truth occupy movement again with na agenda. Remember 3 yrs ago no one knew to share our common revelatory story of no holohoax, FDR toast to uncle Joe AKA Stalin for 49,000 murder of SS officer POWs,...and so on so we must pass the torch along to beginners. I shared pleasantries then asked if they wanted to hear some truth then you can see how far along they are willing to take the issue. i found a few students willing to watch David Cole 1st step. Not for everybody but just to test the waters at least they will now have another viewpoint. Watch out for their body language there may be some hostility since many cling to lies like comfortable Teddy bear. Red Cross refutation be sure you know, Raul Hilberg Zionist holocaust historian 60 yrs. of obsession had no proof as Jean Claude Pressac brush up on their lifes work as experts they are that could not prove holohoax. Many experts cite no rubber sealants, no source of circulating gas like a fan, no way to let gas out besides obvious glass panel, lock opened from inside, drainage, and no Prussian blue were obvious reasons reasons gassings never took place. After awhile they can take only so much you just swept their beliefs away inevitably, I think your crazy for believing jewish conspiracy stuff . Remember once you know you can never go back you see the world with different eyes. Which is a good thing for some who choose to be awakened. We must share to whoever would listen murder of 66 million Christians. Good luck if you choose share from pulpit, placards, flyers. God Speed! The payoff is to take your story to misled, robotic zombies fed lies & propaganda. If you want to go beyond the comfort level of sharing your findings with America I can tell you there are free opinion, free speech areas you can find in your community for free.
Posted on: Fri, 29 Nov 2013 23:20:41 +0000

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