vi. The DPP will pick up its past investment into the - TopicsExpress


vi. The DPP will pick up its past investment into the Infrastructure which the current PP administration has left to abandon only less than 2 years in power. The DPP, initiator of the Karonga-Chitipa road, the Malawi University of Science and Technology (MUST), the national Stadium, Kapichila Power Station etc, will fasttrack the projects on the Chipembere Highway, Zomba-Jali-Chitakale Road, Thyolo-Muona-Bangula road, central region roads, city roads in Mzuzu, Tsangano- Mpatamanga-Chileka road, Lilongwe City bypass, Machinga-Naminga Road, Jenda-Edingeni-Rumphi road, the Lirangwe-Machinga road and the Nsanje World Inland Port. We will also develop other roads such as the Chitipa-Nthalire-Kasungu roads, Chitipa-Misuku road, Mzimba-Nkhatabay road, Rumphi-Livingstonia Mission road, Nyika road, Tsangano-Mwanza Neno road, Mwanza – Thambani road, Thyolo-Khonjeni-Luchenza road, Lirangwe-Chingale road. In addition we will construct the university campuses in Karonga, Mzimba, Mangochi and Nsanje. vii. Housing: The DPP government will introduce and implement a subsidy on cement and iron sheets to empower the poor in Malawi to build and own decent houses. viii. Security: The DPP government will provide “Total Security” to both persons and businesses in Malawi. DPP deplores the current levels of insecurity under the current regime, and its associated direct negative impact on the economy and investment opportunities. ix. Transport: The DPP government will improve transport system in Malawi. Specific to the metropolitan and/or rural areas, the DPP will facilitate the development of Mini-Taxis, which will not only ease transportation, but will also create jobs, reduce congestion and grow a service sector along the way. x. Public Service: There will be re-installed confidence of Malawians in themselves and belief in their government. The DPP will run a professional and results-oriented government, respecting Public Service Rules and Regulations, and ensure accountability. We will cut off unnecessary positions, reorganize the public service and ensure provision of strategic direction under one Principal Secretary in each Ministry. xi. We will pass and implement a number of laws including: a Law on Handouts, and a Law that will prevent sitting Members of Parliament from benefiting from increasing their own salaries and benefits. xii. The DPP government will reduce concentration of power in the Presidency. xiii. Cabinet: There shall be 20 members in Cabinet, including Deputies, whose appointment will be based on merit, interview and vetting by a Public Appointments Committee. xiv. Appointment and removal of the Governor of the Reserve Bank of Malawi, Director of the Anti-Corruption Bureau, the Auditor General, the Director of Public Prosecution, Clerk of Parliament, Malawi Human Rights Commission Executive Secretary, the Malawi Law Commissioner, Director General of the Malawi Broadcasting Corporation, MACRA Director General, and leaders of other accountability institutions shall be on merit through a special public appointments committee. Merit will also be observed in appointments and removal of Chief Executive Officers and Board members of parastatals. xv. We will not impose or decide for the people on issues that border on their culture, morals and human rights. Contentious issues will be put to referendums. xvi. Our prisons will be truly centres of correction and rehabilitation. The DPP government will establish specialized services by prisoners such as crop production, carpentry and joinery, building, tailoring among others. The products will be supplied to government and other institutions in need, such as hospitals and schools. xvii. The DPP government will cooperate and collaborate with the civil society, non-governmental organisations and the media in the development of Malawi. In this regard, we will pass and implement the Access to Information bill. xviii. The DPP government will pass and implement the recommendations from the constitutional reviews, including facilitating implementation of revised Section 65 (Crossing the Floor automatically) and bring back the revised Section 64 (recall provision with proper safeguards to prevent abuse) of our constitution. xix. The DPP will establish a National Security Council with statutory powers to guide long-term national decision-making and determination of government actions for national interests, the well-being of our people and institutions, and our sovereignty and territorial integrity.
Posted on: Thu, 10 Apr 2014 07:14:07 +0000

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