via Jew Talk Taqiyya, the Art of Dissembling Paul Eidelberg - TopicsExpress


via Jew Talk Taqiyya, the Art of Dissembling Paul Eidelberg No one should be surprised, let alone shocked, by the scandalous and probably criminal behavior of various members of the Obama administration. Nor should anyone be amazed by the laxity and probably criminal irresponsibility of Team Obama vis-à-vis the “penetration” of the government by Muslims, including members of the Muslim Brotherhood, a widespread terrorist organization whose documented ambition is to subvert the United States to facilitate the global ascendancy of Islam. What else should one expect given two well-known facts: Mr. Obama is not only animated by the doctrine of moral relativism, but in seeming contradiction to that doctrine, he is a self-professed Muslim who has publicly and unabashedly exalted—in his words—the “Holy Quran,” a creed that exemplifies absolutism! It should be stressed, however, that Islam also fosters taqiyya, the art of dissimulation. As Professor Y. Harkabi, a former director of Israel military intelligence has indicated, mendacity is "second nature" to Muslims. This mendacity is concealed by another eastern talent, the art of ingratiation. Arabs excel in this art. A sociologist of Arab birth notes that “The Arab changes his identity with little reluctance. With Asians he is oriental, with people from the West he is occidental, with the old societies he is a traditional man, with the new a modern.”[1] An American journalist observed that Egyptian President Abdel Nasser “was an engaging man to meet. He was equally endowed with natural charm and cunning, and he used his charm advantageously. His visitors were immedi-ately at their ease. He was the incorruptible puri¬tan revolutionary who never lost the simplicity of his tastes or the naturalness of his manners; the autocrat who disliked elaborate formalities and used the relaxed approach of democracy.”[2] Secretary of State William Rog¬ers experienced the same ingratiation in his meeting with Nasser’s successor Anwar Sadat. As he later said of that meeting: “We felt at ease in each other’s company.” Sadat constantly referred to Rog¬ers, whom he had met for the first time, as “Bill.” When Kissinger replaced Rogers, he became “dear Henry” just as quickly.[3] The American media hailed him as a man of peace. Forgotten was his cunning attack on Israel in the Yom Kippur War. But thanks to his mastery of taqiyya, the avuncular pipe-smoking Sadat recovered the Sinai without firing a single shot. Since Barack Hussein Obama was raised as a Muslim, who to this day exalts the “Holy Quran,” did his preceptors produce in this rather mysterious man another master of taqiyya? ________________________________________ [1] Gil Carl AlRoy, Behind the Middle East Conflict (New York: Capricorn Books, 1975), 107. [2] Ibid., 108. [3] See Paul Eidelberg, Sadat’s Strategy (Montreal: Dawn Publications, 1979), Ch. 1.
Posted on: Wed, 05 Jun 2013 01:15:25 +0000

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