via Ndi Igbo page. FACEBOOK GREEDBOOK Facebook is currently - TopicsExpress


via Ndi Igbo page. FACEBOOK GREEDBOOK Facebook is currently building the coffin that it will be buried in unless they do a reserve in the manner they are currently doing things. Facebook is no longer showing the posts of facebook pages in newsfeed of fans of the pages. Imagine a situation where you have over 200 thousand likes in a page and FB will only show the post to about 800 people and sometimes to about 100 people. ALL BECAUSE FB WANTS YOU TO BOOST the post and by that they mean you should PAY to show that post to the fans of the page. Mind you most pages already spent a lot to get likes on the pages. To get LIKES on fb is not cheap, you will need to spend 100s of thousans on naira to get a few thousand people to like your page. And then after spending all that money, they will not show your feed to them, they would want you to again pay to promote that post so those that you spent on them to get will see it. THIS IS GREED AT ITS HIGHEST LEVEL. FACEBOOK is about to become history. Already our counterparts abroad are now using alternatives to facebook as they now know that the greed of facebook will be too much for the average facebook page owner to handle. FACEBOOK IS BASICALLY TELLING YOU THAT TO RUN A FACEBOOK PAGE SUCCESSFULLY YOU 1ST HAVE TO BE RICH. If Google+ play their card well and make their platform very user friendly, the greed of facebook will be a huge plus to them. Ndi Igbo page: Many are not getting Ndi Igbo feed again. Most of our posts are now seen by less than 200 people. They want us to pay before they can show it to the fans of the page. This is cruel greed. We want to appeal to fans of the page to note that we are making alternative arrangements because it seems that GREED has taken over facebook. Mark Zukerberg, being a Jew is a very smart business man but let him also understand that at times excess greed can bring down any business no matter how big. So many are contacting us asking what happened to Ndi Igbo page, oh well you have your answer. GREED happened to Ndi Igbo page and other pages in facebook. But not to worry, we will crush this brazen daylight GREED. You will be updated as we make progress on an alternative.
Posted on: Fri, 09 May 2014 11:05:34 +0000

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