via abu zayd Some of the Miracles Performed by the Companions - TopicsExpress


via abu zayd Some of the Miracles Performed by the Companions and Succesors: The Miracles performed by the Companions, the Successors (Tabiin) and the generality of the righteous are many. Usayd bin Hudair used to recite Surah al-Kahf and the likes of a cloud would descend from the sky containing what seemed to be lit lamps, these were the Angels that descended for his recitation. {Reported by Bukhari [6/496 no.536]} The Angels used to extend the Salaam to Imraan bin Husain. {Reported by Ahmad [4/427] and ibn Sad, Tabaqat[4/290]. Salman and Abu ad-Darda used to eat from a single plate and the plate or what it contained used to glorify Allah. {Refer to Siyar Alam an-Nubula [2/348] and Abu Nuaym [1/224]. Abbad bin Bishr and Usayd bin Hudair went out after having been with the Messenger of Allah during a dark night, a light resembling the end of a whip illuminated the way for them and when they separated, the light also separated with them. {Reported by Bukhari [5/95no.149] and Ahmad [3/138,190,272]. The story of as-Siddiq is reported in the Two Sahihs when he went to his house accompanied by three guests. They commenced eating and they did not eat a morsel of food except that more than they had eaten appeared beneath it. They ate to their fill, yet more food remained than when they had started. When Abu Bakr and his wife saw that there was more than they had started with, they gave it to the Messenger of Allah and a group of people came to him and ate their fill. {Reported by Bukhari [no.537] and Muslim [3/1134 no.5106]. Khubaib bin Adi was captured by the polytheists in Mecca, may Allah the Exalted ennoble it, and grapes would be brought to him and he would eat them except that there were no grapes to be found in Mecca. {Refer to Bukhari [4/176 no.282, 5/216no.325, 5/283no.212] and al-Isabah[4/392]. Amir bin Fuhairah was killed as a martyr and when they went looking for his body they were unable to find it, because when he was killed he was raised up as witnessed by Amir bin Tufail. Urwah reports, They saw the Angels raising him up. {Refer to al-Isabah [4/247] and refer to Bukhari [5/290 no.419]. Umm Ayman left in order to undertake migration without taking any food or drink, [during the journey] she almost died of thirst, when it was time to break fast - she was fasting - she heard something above her head and looked up and behold there was a pail of water hanging there. She drank from it until her thirst was quenched and never did she become thirsty again for the remainder of her life. {Refer to:Siyar[2/224] and ibn Sad, Tabaqat[8/224] and it is reported by Abu Nuaym[2/67]. When az-Zanirah was tortured due to her professing Islam, she absolutely refused to renounce Islam and then her eyesight went. The polytheists said, al-Lat and al-Uzzah have afflicted her sight. She said, No, by Allah! And Allah returned her sight to her. {Refer to ibn Hajr, al-Isabah[4/305] who referred the report to ibn Abi Shaybah and ibn Abdul Barr, al-Istiab] Khalid bin al-Walid besieged an impenetrable fortress and the besieged said, We will not accept Islam until you first drink poison. So he drank it and it did not harm him. {Refer to: at-Tirmidhi [no.3751] and ibn Hibban [no.2215]. Its isnad is sahih.
Posted on: Wed, 20 Aug 2014 00:11:10 +0000

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