vid Nasr 23 minutes ago · We denounced the covert Western - TopicsExpress


vid Nasr 23 minutes ago · We denounced the covert Western intervention in Syria to help the Islamist rebellion. Assistance given to the international jihad brigades & radicalized rebels under the form of intelligence, military training, arms supplies etc. is very important. The bill has been settled, in particular by the Gulf States. The West acted on behalf of Qatar first, and then Saudi Arabia, both major customers in the armaments industry. There were American mercenary soldiers in Iraq & elsewhere (Xe & former Blackwater). A new opportunity presented itself to Western states in crisis, their intervention in Syria on behalf of another rich state that pays the bills. What do you call these states, apart from mercenary States? We measured the importance of this phenomenon recently in Libya in the bombing of Libyan territory by NATO forces on behalf of Qatar. And we still do not even know the true extent of this disastrous intervention. The disaster has now moved to Syria. In Syria, the jihadi expansion, the Syrian rush eastwards, came to fruition. The territory of northeastern Syria became the seat of a profitable as well as criminal operation with the rebel takeover of oil-well activities. [Photo caption: Theft of Syrian oil — primitive means for the theft & sale of oil] Starting in 2013, we have seen the emergence of bandits in the regions of Deir Ezzor, Rakka & Hassaké, bandits engaged in a special activity: the theft of crude oil. First they drilled pipelines to extract crude then sold it to the public, taking advantage of the general scarcity & making significant profits. Then they stole extraction & oil exploration equipment & even pipelines, hundreds of kilometers of them, with a value exceeding millions of dollars. These items were sold as scrap for a few thousand Syrian pounds (€1 = 150 LS)! But in this race for the black gold of East Syria, greed was quickly generated & disputes over wells have become increasingly fierce between the protagonists represented by hordes of al-Qaeda (the al-Nusra Islamic State of Iraq & Sham (EIIC) Front), the heads of Bedouin tribes & Kurdish fighters. When disputes broke out over the division of spoils, as if they were raiding camels or cattle, some wells were burned to prevent another faction occupying the well: This well is either mine or belongs to no one. It belongs to whomever can attract the greatest number of fighters to protect their well. Other wells were deliberately demolished. Health disaster This oil, in its two variants, heavy & fluid, which fell into the hands of people who have no concept, no knowledge of the risk of contact with bare hands & without protective masks, has led to skin diseases & respiratory diseases, not to mention inhalation of toxic gases caused by fire pits. Thieves, employing these primitive methods of refining absorb more carcinogenic gases & fumes of toxic radiation. Will the oil overcome the thieves lives before international intervention stops this traffic? Ecological disaster The rupturing of pipelines has triggered the flow of oil onto arable land & the poisoning of deep groundwater for hundreds of years. To this must be added the atmospheric emissions of toxic gases from burned wells. Equipment used for production & extraction is 95% contaminated. The Oil Battalions Having dismantled & sold to Turkey a thousand factories in Aleppo, then robbing the wheat silos from this rich Syrian plain, jihadists in recent months have attacked oil to the absolute silence of the international community. The oil battalions were formed for self-refinement, utilizing hurried techniques with mobile refining units. The stolen oil is the property of the Syrian people. It is plunder. The only way to make enough profit was to embark on oil exports in quantity via tankers to Turkey, and particularly to the nearest refinery at Tüpras Batman (under investigation in Turkey for tax evasion). The oil is then transported to Europe. The oil is sold to Turkish mafia intermediaries at half of its world price, or $50 a barrel. Oil experts believe that the shortfall for Syria, the victim of an oil blockade early in the war (March 2011) was $7 billion in February 2013.
Posted on: Thu, 24 Oct 2013 23:06:38 +0000

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