video in english Press Conference of the Syrian Permanent - TopicsExpress


video in english Press Conference of the Syrian Permanent Representative to the United Nations Dr. Bashar Al-Jaafari, Jaafari cannot combat terrorism through selective a. There is a moral problem with handling of the Secretariat of the United Nations with terrorism in Syria Dr. Bashar Jaafari, Syrias permanent delegate to the United Nations that Syria faced terror mercenaries from 83 countries are trained in camps in Jordan, Turkey and Saudi Arabia under the supervision of a British, French, us, adding a moral problem relating to the handling of the Secretariat of the United Nations with terrorism in Syria. Jaafari said in a statement after a meeting of the UN Security Council to discuss the situation related to the crisis in Syria attended by UN Envoy Staffan de Mistura to Syria and Assistant Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs, Kyung-wha Kang represented the Organization alaocha via webcast from Geneva: we believe that the Security Council held on Wednesday for the first time, a joint meeting of those responsible for political and humanitarian issue file together to discuss relevant conditions in the so-called Syrian crisis is a positive development because in one meeting that members of the Council Security consideration in the political and humanitarian aspects simultaneously. Jaafari said: we have two notes on the first-day session is that when Ms. Kyung to the fact that the violence has reached unprecedented extent, it did not specify the reasons for the rising level of violence. .. As the flow of refugees and internally displaced people by the millions, but did not speak specifically about the reasons why those millions of Syrians to leave their towns and villages..He also spoke about the victims killed in the terrorist bombing and bombing innocent children who were near their school, but did not specify who committed terrorist bombing in. Hence all those methods to express concern in dealing with bloodletting and bloodshed seen by the Syrian Government as moral issues in the United Nations Secretariat. Jaafari said.. We hope to see a more neutral secretariat staff about diagnosis of terrorist activities against Syria and we own these days, long after the denial came out of the so-called international community concluded that the Syrian Government is saying for years is true.. We are mercenaries from 83 countries and terrorists from around the world trained in secret camps.. And the fact they were secret, but they are open now in Jordan, Turkey and Saudi Arabia and we know that all are overseen by the Americans and the French, the British and the longer there is no other secrets about the identity of the support terrorists in Syria. And the main reason behind this large influx of terrorists of the so-called organizing/daash/f/front victory/. Jaafari said: we all see how headed a group of young Australians from Sydney they shed blood and fight Syrian Government in Aleppo within 24 hours and without face intelligence. We see the determination on the part of the Secretariat and particularly the spokesperson for the Secretary-General on these terrorists and other Australians are Syrian. rebels. And we are not aware on how to combine these two contrasting characteristics.. Understanding the local rebels and foreign mercenaries, terrorists, at the same time a.. So we have the ethical problem concerning the Secretariats handling of terrorism in Syria. He said Al-Jaafaris second observation about todays meeting: We applaud the efforts of Mistura and hopefully respond to proposals in the near future where he spoke about his support for a political settlement in Syria and the Syrian Government is what you want. .. So if we want to raise this goal, we have to deal with the issue as a whole and comprehensively and end narrow things, referring to the undeniably subversive role for Turkey by entering an organizational/daash terrorists and the victory/terrorists into Syrian territory, as is the Turkish policy is the cause of the escalation of violence in Syria. Jaafari said.. Do not understand how this can be tolerated Turkish policy and duplication, particularly when we see Turkish President himself set four preconditions to assist the international community in addressing/daash/Arab eye protection..All four conditions are in violation of the Charter of the United Nations and the principles of international law. Unfortunately no one has so far responded to this by Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon himself, and not even one of his assistants or senior experts in. There is a moral fault in this organization then the profanation may not be political or humanitarian but also can be ethical. Jaafari said that the Syrian Government see the auctions and Sirkka about what we hear in this organization, the suffering of the Syrian people must be viewed and handled seriously.. De Mistura said he heard from the Syrian Word/salvation/any enough and he is right that it is smuggling and terrorists from Turkey and Jordan and Lebanon to Syria. You must consider the disaster/the people/daash Syrian and Iraq seriously by the so-called international community.. He must fight terrorists seriously in accordance with Security Council resolutions 2170 to 2178. And Al-Jaafari after months of the adoption of those resolutions, it seems that the Turkish Government did not hear the content as well as the Saudi Government is also the Government of Jordan that the membership of the Security Council. .. If there is an error in this organization and should open our eyes well about those facts so as not to be erroneous analysis about what is happening in Syria. The priority is to put an end to irresponsible and provocative actions of the Turkish Government and respect for Security Council resolutions. .. No place for a la carte in the fight against terrorism of selectivity mean lack of seriousness in combating terrorism.This is the first challenge today. In response to reporters questions with Al-Jaafari that he did not discuss the plan proposed by the UN Security Council today with the Syrian Government, but the fruit of his recent tour in the region and beyond, he said.. We will study these proposals and Damascus we shall give our opinion at the travel of de Mistura to Damascus, meeting with Syrian officials. And on whether to invite de Mistura Turkish assist fighters in the town of Ain Arab position in consultation with the Syrian Government, Jaafari said: the Syrian Government is against any foreign intervention in Syria and against any violation of sovereignty that the red line is. De Mistura also not invited Turkey to intervene in Syria but to facilitate the entry of fighters called on Syrians on the other side of the eye of the Arabs who had fled to Turkey to escape the Bagram/daash/entry to their city into Arab participation in fighting against daash/./. The point is that the Turkish authorities prevent Syrians from returning to their hometown to defend this the intention of de Mistura . And a United Nations force to monitor the separate engagement/UNDOF in Golan and of terrorism said Al-Jaafari: this issue is another scandal in the Organization of the Department of peacekeeping operations did not respond to this terrorism in the demilitarized zone along the line of separation of forces between the Syrian and Israeli sides in the occupied Syrian Golan and. Since months occupying the front victory, which is classified as a terrorist entity under the relevant Council regulations a number of enclaves in the line of separation of forces and not the answer. Jaafari said that as a result, the Filipino soldiers withdrew and abducted soldiers Fijians because the Secretariat and the Department of peacekeeping operations did not respond to previous warnings that emerged during last years abduction of Filipino soldiers on instructions from the countrys intelligence is. And the Department of peacekeeping operations did not investigate the incident, which encouraged the terrorists to commit crimes again in the absence of any reaction by the Department of peacekeeping operations at the time.. This is why I pointed out that the problem in this organization is primarily moral and is not necessarily a political selection. When asked to draw Al-Jaafari that the Syrian Government has called on Security Council members Woody Mistura accepted Lakhdar Brahimi and Secretary-General Kofi Annan to take into account the promoting national reconciliation path. .. The Syrian Government is with the pacification and reconciliation between the Government and those who have blood on their hands and arms with these fighters in whereabouts. And Al-Jaafari, the Syrian Government welcomes asked de Mistura and the members of the Security Council that the priority was to fight terrorism and said: thats what we said in Geneva over a year ago and have not heard a sorry time..Now you see that everyone is agreed on the priority of priorities is to combat terrorism and terrorism/daash/or/victory/front. .. It is the same because we want to fight terrorism and help the international community to do so. Jaafari said he could not fight against terrorism through selective so we fight terrorism and complacent with the Turkish Government to wrong policies toward Syria must someone stop the policies of Ankara and the Turkish Government is seriously engaged in the fight against terrorism in all its forms.. The Turkey violates the Charter and the principles of international law by interfering in the internal الشؤءون Syria allowing terrorists to cross the border to them. When asked about the raids continue/international coalition against terrorist organization/daash/inside Syria and whether it had yielded any positive results, said Al-Jaafari, the so-called Alliance/mount every day between 8 and 13 sorties against/daash/in Syria and Iraq and assure that the Syrian Airlines each day about 130 sorties against/daash/f/front victory/and other terrorist organizations so the Syrian air force actively engaged in combating the terrorists throughout the country and not in the Aleppo only. Jaafari said: we have doubts about the motives and goals of the u.s. strikes as the US President noted that the strikes will last for three years and do not know how the most powerful military force in the world that fails to hit 15,000 terrorists deployed along the Iraqi-Syrian desert, according to the u.s. Department of Defense. .. So there is something wrong on those accounts.. And then we heard statements by Defense Department officials that such a war could last long. .. We heard some say 20 to 30 years. If this war is a war of attrition for all people and Governments in the region, mainly to the Iraqi and Syrian Governments we objectives of this campaign. Jaafari said: our doubts that this Alliance/is by fighting and beating the Organization/daash/in contrast, be patient with the support of the Turkish Government it. .. The Coalition also//opens new frontiers for the Syrian troops to disperse its efforts on fighting/daash/on the Turkish-Syrian border to other areas this means reducing the pressure that could be brought against the Organization/daash/which means that/Alliance/the second hand to facilitate activities/daash/in Iraq and Syria.
Posted on: Sat, 01 Nov 2014 08:49:38 +0000

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