)( vimeo/87804732 ) , ((bbc.co.uk/programmes/b03bds48 Dear Yang - TopicsExpress


)( vimeo/87804732 ) , ((bbc.co.uk/programmes/b03bds48 Dear Yang WEI, Ph.D ([email protected],[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], academics.ijpds@gmail Assistant to the Dean (Research) szu.edu.cn Thanks attached Research Plan, CV , Scans of Publications , My editorial work , affiliations Degrees , for [Ruhel Chisty FRACI CChem A] - Job Application for [Shenzhen University Recruitment of Principle Inves] Title: My suggestion to start 30 New refineries in China ,New 10 Refineries in East Timor by China Government with support of China Petrochemical and Refineries experts , ,10 new refineries in Tamil Zone of Shrilanka , , 2 new Refineries in Thailand ,5 new refineries in Rohania Muslims zone (Only ) of Burma .,10 New refineries in Pakistan , 20 New Refineries in Southern Sudan , 12 new refineries in Bangladesh ,10 New Refineries in Cambodia , 5 New Refineries in North Korea ,+ 10 new Joint Petrochemical complex Cities in each nation .will have 15 Petrochemicals Plants , Manufacturing (PP,PE, Polycarbonate ,Amine , Ethoxylate, ,Glycol , Organic fertilizers ++ ,) with ownership of China , founded by Chinese experts (of refineries , petrochemical ), Its will like Saudi Arabia did in Al Jubail Industrial City , Yanbu , ,Its can provide Trillions $ profit , prospect fortune ,development to East Timor , China ,Pakistan , Bangladesh ,Rohania Muslims (only ) Burma , Thailand , North Korea , , Cambodia , Tamil of Shrilanka Economic , to poor’s of these nations +50 Lacks new jobs + Fresh Graduate, B-tech , M Tech Science , Engg graduate + jobs to East Timor , China ,Pakistan , Bangladesh ,Rohania Muslims (only ) Burma , Thailand , North Korea , Bangladesh , , Thailand , Cambodia , Shrilanka (Tamil zone only ) which have average 9 % Unemployed rate +Trillions $=1000X billions $ profit ,to governments + there citizens , 50 lacks jobs (upper +lower level ) direct , indirect Petrochemical ,refineries Staff , included Constructions of many new Modern smart cities , modern villages near all these New Refineries , petrochemical complex , civil engineers ++ ,workers of new plants ,Home ,Shops ,mall , to other nations people as well direct and indirect jobs !!?? it will make China as top powerful nation in ASIA ( it can be possible by Top Officers of China Oil gas government Companies , they must start there own new refineries , with there ownerships !!?? by taking money from Newly Founded Back of China , in reply of ADB of Japan ) here I = Ruhel Chisty FRACI CChem A ,MRSC Cchem A , will put 50% reservation for 25 Lacks Jobs (Out of 50 lacks upper +lower direct and indirect job s ) of Petrochemical ,refineries Staff , Construction staff for only and only fresh graduate ,11 pass , 10 pass Rohaniya Muslims of Burma, Myanmar , Poor East Timor Christen ,Poor North Korea people , poor Cambodian people , poor Tamil speaking christen Muslims , Buddhists of Shrilanka , Kashmiri Muslims from (Azzad Kashmir + Indian army captured Kashmir ) , ,Uyghur Muslims ,Chinas Xinjiang region , Baluchi Muslims , Ahmadi Muslims of Pakistan and Iran , and Assam Muslims , Tamil Muslims of Shrilanka ,and Pakistan christen , Bangladesh Christen , Burma Christen , Shri Lanka christens ,Kurdish Muslims of Iraq ,Iran approx. 50% of them will be fresh ,No work experience required for hiring them , they will be trained like PR(Petrochemical Refineries) professionals in these companies only ,and company will provide them many expertize certificates of refineries , petrochemical work related , all are reserved in these new companies , and all these candidates will have legal right to work in these companies as permanent employee for 10 years continuous with all promotions and Bonus ,No Body can fire them before 10 years , No , No, , and these nation Diplomat , Government s will allow them to live in these nations as permanent legal citizenship after jobs ,No body have rights to sent them back to there Birth nation (Evil Sin ) to face further Torture , abuse , up to kill level as they are already faced till Join the Job , by that nations killer government agencies of there birth , they will encourage and support by Diplomats of CHINA , to get USA , Canada ,Australia , Europe , citizenships ,after 10 years legally , they all will have rights to bring there families and companies will provide then additions AID ,Support to stabilized with peace , fortune , prospect , After they having many expertize certificates of refineries , petrochemical work related they are valuable , assets CHINA , and will keep them in jobs in CHINA for long periods till their life’s . (Ruhel Chisty FRACI Cchem A ,MRSC CChem A Date 26-12-2014 ) (Note : one Big Petrochemical plants of 12 billions $ required 35,000 Construction engineers worker to work 2 years continuous , and one refiners also required 40 ,000 engineers worker to work 1.5 years continuous , hence for 8 new Joint Petrochemical complex Cities , each city will have 15 Petrochemicals Plants +115 new refineries will provide 50 lacks Jobs direct ,indirect ) The topics : 1 Energy policy 2 prospect ,fortune in East Timor , China ,Pakistan , Bangladesh ,Rohania Muslims (only ) Burma , Thailand , North Korea , Bangladesh , Maldives , Thailand , Cambodia 3 Development 4 sharp Fall in Unemployment rate , 5 petrochemical integration 6 50 Lacks new jobs , Trillions $=1000 billions $ profit ,to China ++, 7 Life , prospect , Future , to Kashmiri Muslims , Rohaniya Muslims , Uyghur Muslims , Assam Muslims with out any abuse, any torture . There will be ZERO ,NO candidate of Indian Hindu religion on Indian pass port ,NO from any Indian refineries , Indian petrochemical companies , No one will allowed to hire Indian Hindu , its will like constitute , news laws and legal conditions , in these New 350 Refineries ,and 10 petrochemical complex cities those will have 160 Petrochemical companies ( I=Ruhel Chisty FRACI Cchem A,MRSC Cchem A is having USA copy right of this article date 26-12-2014 ,this is My property ,Ownership which allow me to get royalty as per international laws of International quality Paper , ) Presenter Name: Ruhel Chisty FRACI CChem A, MRSC CChem A ,(Religion =Christen) Presenter Company: My NGO (named =Ruhel Chisty FRACI CChem A, MRSC Cchem A ‘s NGO ) is UN=un.org ,=United Nation ,ESANGO.UN.ORG approved NGO , , My published Article , FOR 【The Asahi Glass Foundation】 Questionnaire on Environmental Problems and the Survival of Humankind 2014 )) = af-info.or.jp/…/questionn…/doc/comments_2014w.pdf unhabitat.org/bestpractices/2004/mainview.asp… academicjournals.org/journal/IJPDS/editors zayedfutureenergyprize/AdminListEntryniJD2.p… af-info.or.jp/…/que…/doc/2013jresult_fulltext.pdf sapulse/new_comments.php?id=7337_0_1_0_C pakistanthinktank.org/from-mohamed-to-mohandas sapulse/new_comments.php?id=7773_0_1_0_M11 sapulse/new_comments.php?id=7068_0_1_0_C sapulse/new_comments.php?id=7478_0_1_0_C
Posted on: Fri, 02 Jan 2015 01:28:22 +0000

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