))( vimeo/87804732 ) , ((bbc.co.uk/programmes/b03bds48 Title : I - TopicsExpress


))( vimeo/87804732 ) , ((bbc.co.uk/programmes/b03bds48 Title : I seen Indian Directed Film Haider , who is a Kashmiri Muslims had PhD in topic Indian revolution in British Empire , his father is Doctor MBBS ,MS was taken from Home and killed brutally after long physical and psychological torture ,abuse hit , by Indian army troops , because his father was saving life of a Wounded Kashmiri Rebel via surgery . 1 I found that This Movie is 10% True initially up to 30 minutes which show how Kashmir Muslims 99% population are forced to live under gun point of Hindu killer troops or Indian army , how the J& K Politician are paid dogs of Delhi or Indian army killer dogs , how Kashmir young’s became trap in different type Brain disorders due to system fear of killer Indian troops how Indian army make many under ground torture abuse camps down to 20 meter , earth at many places in Kashmir, where they are keeping thousands of Kashmir Muslims and abusing torture then till death , with out any ICJ ICC , Laws , then it because a Film to promote Three color flag or to promote system of 1.40 Billions con Hindu votes cum ,Hindu nation =INDIA , via use of made in Hindu (Billions ) laws 2 means up to 30 minutes to 35 minutes this Movie =Film Haider is honest True try to express how 60 millions Kashmir Muslims are living under gun point of Hindu killer troops or Indian army and how few sin evils Kashmir enjoying INDIA run this hell , but this movie rest 2 hours =120 minutes are just propaganda to rise INDIA (Three color flag ) =1.40 Billions Hindu system 3 That why this Movie = Haider approved by censor board India , as India =Delhi =pmindia.nic.in ,North Block want to show world that what ever Killer Hindu or killer Indian army troops are doing in Kashmir from past 60 years , 1948 to till now 05-10-2014 is correct is good, and as per Delhi (Billions Hindu ) its a freedom of life , freedom of prospect provided to Jammu and Kashmir based 99% Muslims population =60 millions Kashmir Muslims, under Gun point of 50 lacks Killer Hindu troops with ISRO Satellite remote sensing , with Tank T90 , T70, with Agni 6,10 , with 3500 Hindu Nuke Bombs ,guided lesser missiles (with dress or with out dress ) 4 This Indian Hindu directed Movie Haider trying to pose , force , world that INDIA , Delhi, its killer army is doing good in Kashmir from past 60 years and you have to believe it while My =Ruhel Chisty FRACI Cchem A , MRSC Cchem A real life tell that this movie must ban or censor in Pakistan , Saudi Arabia, UAE , and OIC Nations , because its 2 hours data is fake , or propaganda to rise Billions Hindu system called as INDIA, ( This Movie is 10% True initially up to 30 ,35 minutes only rest propaganda to rise INDIA , Delhi ,Billions Hindu ) !!!?? ((bbc.co.uk/programmes/b03bds48 ,Document, The Hyderabad Muslims Massacre at BBc )) Hyderabad 1948: India’s hidden Muslims massacre by Indian army and its supported Hindu mobs they killed approx. 40,000 to 54000 Muslims in district Hyderabad 1948 AND , ,in over all Whole INDIA approx. 4.5 lacks Muslims were killed , in 1948-1947 , its all happened because Hyderabad Nijam (King ) and people , demand free .,independent nation , named Hyderabad at center of India (Hindu nation ) , (Hyderabad) maximum population is Muslims , they (Hyderabad ) just want to be like Magnolia ,which is a free nation , at center of China , Magnolia is ,UN =un.org member nation , , But ,only due to this demand of free nation by Hyderabad and Kashmir , , Hindu army =Indian army killed 54,000 Muslims in 1948 at Hyderabad same Kashmir also demand free nation ,in 1948 as its 99% population is Muslims , here also Indian army killed 8 lacks innocent Muslims male female kids , young’s girls freedom demanders , till now 2014 , Its all because INDIA is of 1.30 billions Pure Hindu people nations ,its Economic is 5070 Billions $ Year =5.07 Trillions $ per annum , (INDIA Based Minorities =Christen and Muslims per person earn is 160 $ per year, means approx. 13$ per month =0.43 $ per day ,means INDIA based minorities are earning and living worst then of North Korea , worst then Hati , worst then Sudan , worst then Syria (conflict zone ) , worst then DRC =Congo conflict zone worst then CAR Central Africa conflict zone , , mean minorities Indian Muslims and christen living in real hell of earth and dying in worst condition of human being while INDIA ‘s 5070 Billions $=5.07Trillion $ economic 99% going in hands of Hindu all type of Hindu this all created by Hindu policy maker ,Hindu powers that why Hindu have Industries , many cars , Good homes shops business ,traveling International tourist places every years , while Christen and Muslims of INDIA suffering from basis need of human being ,No Home , No good food, No money, No any own shop , No any car , No good in life .No Jobs as INDIA =1.30 pure Hindu voters , Hindu nation , ,) ,, (( while see on other hand , Magnolia is a free nation ,UN =un.org member nation ,its at center of China , its geopolitical status is same like of Hyderabad ,it tell that China army , China politicians and parties are gentlemen , have best human practices then Killer , Butcher cruel , evil Indian army (Hindu army ) its because China belong to Buddha religion and Indian army , Sardar Patel , Jawaharlal Nehru belong to evil Hindu religion , it also tell Magnolia people are brave strong will power and up to date that why they have there independency , Magnolia area equal to Kenya +Tanzania + Ethiopia total land area , and Magnolia cover all side by China border , China people , But Chines army people , mob never try to attack on Mongolian people .same things Taiwan its also free nation have its own army own fighter planes own war ships own currency , own pass port , own parliament and own Prime minister , and own political parties , most important point economic wise they are as strong as China , each people of Taiwan earn goes up to 28,000 $++ per annum , its common men earn of Taiwan , , its tell that Taiwan people are as rich as European many countries people like UK , Netherland , Finland, Germany, Sweden ++ , China 12000 Km border is attached with Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan , Ugibigthan , Nepal , Sikkim , and Pakistan , see China have very good relation with all these nations,. And its China make not on gun point but by providing Made in China electronics , goods , defense tools on good quality in low cost those all are durable as well its called as China Best human practices with its 12000 Km area neighbors nations ,China army , China people got attack from Japanizes killer army in 1934 to 1944 they japan army killed ,Loot , raped, approx. 5.0 lacks Chines farmer , male female kids girls young’s from 1934 to 1944 , did gang rape , loot burn the many farms of china , put poison in chines rivers ,
Posted on: Mon, 06 Oct 2014 08:16:35 +0000

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