Large wax moth ( Golden Butterfly ) Technology . - TopicsExpress

   Large wax moth ( Golden Butterfly ) Technology . Properties / Vasyl Solomka . - Healthcare of Ukraine , 2012 . – 40p. The compiler is beekeeper well-known in Ukraine and outside the country, a scientist and an industrialist, an active promoter of bee products. In 2002 he was the first to publish the information about the phenomenal properties of the large wax moth in Ukrainian scientific journals. Based on more than 10 years experience of studying this issue, the influence of the large wax moth cultivation technology on the production quality and efficiency of its products was demonstrated and investigated. There were given practical pieces of advice and technical solutions for the equipment to ensure the quality of the final product. The results of research publications were presented to the beekeepers of Ukraine , Belarus, Kazakhstan,… In May 2012, international master class in Gradizhsk was organized and conducted on the subject. Materials and presentations of leading experts on the master class were given or annotated in the book. This publication will be of use for the beekeepers it will increase profitability of the apiaries), apitherapists and all those who are interested in bee products, their health, and the health of their relatives. Even in ancient Egypt people knew about the healing properties of wax moth. There it was called The Golden Butterfly. In Russia, it was called Ognyevka. It is the most unique and valuable product of beekeeping, which has no equal in the world! Its literally a miracle of the XXI century, a natural source of health and longevity. Due to effects on the human body it can be called the youth elixir.
Posted on: Wed, 29 Jan 2014 15:47:58 +0000

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