*** w61 2/15 p. 119 Wiser than Her Teachers *** Wiser than Her - TopicsExpress


*** w61 2/15 p. 119 Wiser than Her Teachers *** Wiser than Her Teachers THIS happened in a school in Communist Yugoslavia. The evolution theory was being taught, and the girls, twelve years of age, were told to write a composition “proving that there is no God.” One of the girls, whose mother is a witness of Jehovah, stood up and asked the schoolmistress to excuse her from that duty. “I cannot write such a composition,” she said, “because I believe in the living God.” The schoolmistress thereupon told her to write a composition proving that God exists. In one hour the class had to hand in the papers, and this young girl had written: ● “Oftentimes we observe the beauty of nature, and every intelligent person asks himself, How did all this come into existence? The evolution theory teaches us that there is no God and everything came into existence by itself; that man descended from the monkey and that life developed from a little worm, through the strength of the sun and physical laws until man appeared. But this calls for some questions: ● “Why does this evolution not go on, since there are still so many monkeys? Why did only one monkey develop in that way and not all? The evolutionists tell us, according to what we have been taught, that only one female monkey gave birth to the original man. But even if it had been so, one monkey would have had to bear the male and another monkey would have had to bear the female man in order to guarantee procreation. ● “But let us also look at the vegetation. A plant does everything to satisfy the insects, which fly from flower to flower to pollinate them; and so they serve the flowers, and in return get food from them. What wonderful harmony! And how did this all come about? Did ever the plants hold a conference with the insects and make some agreement and now stick to this agreement, even better than men stick to their agreements, these men who pretend to be so intelligent? It is only logical that all this is governed by a higher power! Let men, who think they are so wise, produce one such plant without a grain of seed and let them prove this way that these plants can come into existence from nothing. ● “But what about the stars and the unexplored universe? In what wonderful order the sun, the moon and the stars move for thousands of years without going wrong. Our greatest scientists have launched satellites around the earth that hardly remain for one year. Therefore I could ask: The famous scientists of today, are they not even as clever as that which they call nature? No! I simply cannot accept that these wonderful laws in nature came into existence by themselves and function by themselves. I believe that every intelligent man has to admit that someone had to establish these laws and has to control them, and this is God! ● “It is written in the Bible that the first human pair was created by God and there was a uniform climate throughout the whole earth, as we learned it in the book The New Geology, where it is written: ‘Fossils of plants and animals show, that in those times there existed a mild spring climate throughout the earth.’ This corresponds with the Bible record about conditions before the Flood. Yes, we are told that the Flood is merely a legend, but we have learned in school from scientists who write that in Greenland and Spitzbergen fossils of plants, such as oak and cinnamon trees and others, have been found that grow in India and China. This all proves that there was a flood. The churches have presented God as a tyrant, but the Bible teaches that he is perfect love, that in Hebrew his name is JHVH, and commonly this name is pronounced Jehovah. It is in this God that I do believe, because he promised everlasting life on a paradise earth to obedient men. It is reasonable and good to believe this.” ● After a few days the papers were returned. This girl did not get hers, however, and the schoolmistress said that her composition was not a good one. To show this to the whole class, she said that she would read it to them, which she did. When she finished reading it, the whole class applauded and some girls called out: “This is the nicest one!” The schoolmistress was puzzled over this and gave the composition to the director of the school. It got before the school board, where it was also read. The girl had to appear before the school board. There she was able to give a witness about the Kingdom hope, whereupon her teachers told her that she was too young to judge these matters. True it is of those trained in God’s Word: “Wiser than my enemies your commandment makes me.”—Ps. 119:98.
Posted on: Thu, 13 Jun 2013 22:03:29 +0000

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