#wagov #warep #wadem #potus #un A FABLE: BOUND TO FIERCE - TopicsExpress


#wagov #warep #wadem #potus #un A FABLE: BOUND TO FIERCE LOYALTY A young prince, bound to fierce loyalty, traveled abroad and met a princess. They fell fastly and quickly and love and ever battling the forces of evil (the meddlers and interferers) in a few years after returning home they married. Looking to serve their country and build their kingdom, they again traveled abroad. The vagueries of life as well as the forces of evil arose again, and the princess died in a tragic accident. The prince traveled and studied for years ever loyal to his princess but time had passed, and he met a second princess from an exotic secret land. A meeting was arranged, and they worked hard and well and enjoyably together but marriage somehow could never be worked out as the forces of evil, the meddlers and interferers, simply wouldnt let them relax and succeed. The second princess soothed his beleaguered past and he hers. She also calmed his distress and his odd belief that his 1st princess was still alive and in trouble somewhere. The vagueries of an evil war of meddlers and interferers arose and the prince was forced to go off to battle. The war went on for years, the prince without a sou in his pocket (except one as a keepsake) could not get back to his second princess. Thinking he would never see her again, fearing she had drawn the same conclusion, at a respite built by a generous emperor dedicated to art, he, trying his hand at intoning his experience and demonstrating his speed and deftness with his sword, fell in love w a third princess. The emperor encouraged he and her both but again, bound to fierce loyalty, he confessed to the princess that he thought he was incapable of pursuing anything further. Kind and loving, she encouraged him to trust his God and she would as well, but both pledged as well to make an effort to continue on in love. Dark clouds arose and passed, and the prince, having met a quiet lovely queen, a friend of the emperor, was informed by her that his first princess had never died at all, that the accident was actually an attempt to murder him by an evil lord who wanted to steal his princess. The evil lord and his minions mistakenly thought they could separate the princess from the scene of the murder, but she was there as well, and both were injured in the failed attempt. The evil prince bribed whomever he could to befuddle the prince with the story of her murder and to let him carry her away She was then taken away by evil lord to a far away palace in a small quiet town controlled by the evil lord. The queen then informed the prince that she was still indeed his princess further that she was in need of rescue. Perplexed, dumbfounded, astonished, and alarmed, the prince thought to reach for his swords, looked around and thought ... Without a sou in my pocket, how can I get to the first, let alone rescue her; how can I take care of the second, and how can I keep my promise to my third? And finally and most importantly, bound to fierce loyalty; how can I know where disloyalty lies? If in anyway he could actually rescue the first, return to the second, and mutually fulfill the promises with third? Poor thing(s) anyone?
Posted on: Fri, 01 Nov 2013 10:34:36 +0000

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