want to share with you and your family about what I saw when I - TopicsExpress


want to share with you and your family about what I saw when I died. I died with a friend we both woke up in a field of wheat and around the field of wheat that was in a circle there where dark trees and the reaper jumped out and grabbed my friend right in frunt of me then came for me and I cried Jesus as fast as I could and an hand from heaven came down and grabbed me on my lift shoulder and pulled me up and i found my self on a mountain with Jesus on my lift and Jesus was pointing down and i saw people talking like me or you say you have not been here all this time we dont need you and they where not talking to Jesus or me and i looked up to see who they where talking about and i saw Gods face in the clouds smile=ing for every one to see and then from there he took me to some other field where 4 angels where holding the wind and i heard those same people Jesus pointed at behind me saying if we ever get out of here will kill you and then i woke up alive and well with my family around me scared i was died for good but. i asked my mom about what i saw and she opened the bible and went to revelation 117 in the first part of revelation and started reading it to me cause i never had read it. this year i found Beyoncé and jay z in demon warship and Nicki on YouTube saying roman was in her and got the book of enoch the man that walked with good since Jesus should me bad people when i died and to my amazement i found roman in there as a fallen angel so there is beast in the harlot around you and i love you. your a good Christian so i thought i would warn you like Jesus warned me. ideal hands are a devils play ground. go to infowar new reporter that has found out things that came save your family!! and as for the wing as if eagles in the bible it is the Christian army that will help you get out. your smart. and for the devils army red and black dragon in the bible i looked up flags and England came up and is the only ones that have clamed david blood line to where they came take the set in Israel!!!!!!! Charles name comes up in all bad movies even all dogs goes to heaven even to twilight and funny his wife died an year after they got married i started telling people this then Obama took free dome of speech. but Jesus loves you. i will not lie so if i go to jail over sharing Jesus that saved me from death so others can live. i would not lye out of fear my God would kill me!!! watch out for the other movie stars around you and do your home work on then cause almost all say the have demons and i think Jesus was right that ideal hands are a devils play ground. there is a way to a man that seems right but leads to death Jesus said. there eyes and ears are closed but blessed are your eyes and ears. now that you know run go now be not partakers of her sin for her sin is many the crys of the unborn children rain up to heaven to God almighty and He is judging the evil ones thats why Hollywood is on fire every year and its burning like hell fire and i found the mountain of Moses in sadi on YouTube a cop and nasa man found it and test the rock from where God came down it was stronger then a diamond!!! peace be with you share this letter to the ones you love and save lifes!!!!!!!!! look it all up!!!! prince Charles has his own witch coven and every evil person I have found going back to Charles of wales and his mom told Obama to put poison in the water on infowar and prince Charles tried to buy me and was trying to say kill all Christian and I am a Christian so I have a problem with that!!! I would rather be poor then burn in hell and Charles is the devil him self he is going to trying to kill Ireland and the holy ghost said your a ram horn so us this testimony and give it to all Christian nations and and pull the ram horns cause all Christians have to pull together to weather the storm price Charles stared and they try to make a one world nation and kill all Christian and it was Charles that stared this bull shit and is the head of the red and black dragon in the bible and usa I found out is Babylon and they have camps to kill all of us Christians here!!! I will get kill for giving yall a heads up about Charles of wales and who he really is!!! he who has ears let him hear!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! give this to the president of Ireland want to share with you and your family about what I saw when I died. I died with a friend we both woke up in a field of wheat and around the field of wheat that was in a circle there where dark trees and the reaper jumped out and grabbed my friend right in front of me then came for me and I cried Jesus as fast as I could and an hand from heaven came down and grabbed me on my lift shoulder and pulled me up and i found my self on a mountain with Jesus on my lift and Jesus was pointing down and i saw people talking like me or you say you have not been here all this time we dont need you and they where not talking to Jesus or me and i looked up to see who they where talking about and i saw Gods face in the clouds smile=ing for every one to see and then from there he took me to some other field where 4 angels where holding the wind and i heard those same people Jesus pointed at behind me saying if we ever get out of here will kill you and then i woke up alive and well with my family around me scared i was died for good but. i asked my mom about what i saw and she opened the bible and went to revelation 1:7 in the first part of revelation and started reading it to me cause i never had read it. this year i found Beyoncé and jay z in demon warship and Nicki on YouTube saying roman was in her and got the book of enoch the man that walked with good since Jesus should me bad people when i died and to my amazement i found roman in there as a fallen angel so there is beast in the harlot around you and i love you. your a good Christian so i thought i would warn you like Jesus warned me. ideal hands are a devils play ground. go to infowar new reporter that has found out things that came save your family!! and as for the wing as if eagles in the bible it is the Christian army that will help you get out. your smart. and for the devils army red and black dragon in the bible i looked up flags and England came up and is the only ones that have clamed david blood line to where they came take the set in Israel!!!!!!! Charles name comes up in all bad movies even all dogs goes to heaven even to twilight and funny his wife died an year after they got married i started telling people this then Obama took free dom of speech. but Jesus loves you. i will not lie so if i go to jail over sharing Jesus that saved me from death so others can live. i would not lye out of fear my God would kill me!!! watch out for the other movie stars around you and do your home work on then cause almost all say the have demons and i think Jesus was right that ideal hands are a devils play ground. there is a way to a man that seems right but leads to death Jesus said. there eyes and ears are closed but blessed are your eyes and ears. now that you know run go now be not partakers of her sin for her sin is many the crys of the unborn children rain up to heaven to God almight and He is judging the evil ones thats why Hollywood is on fire every year and its burning like hell fire and i found the mountain of Moses in sadi on youtube a cop and nasa man found it and test the rock from where God came down it was stronger then a diamond!!! peace be with you share this letter to the ones you love and save lifes!!!!!!!!! look it all up!!!! prince Charles has his own witch coven and every evil person I have found going back to Charles of wales and his mom told Obama to put poison in the water on infowar and prince Charles tried to buy me and was trying to say kill all Christian and I am a Christian so I have a problem with that!!! I would rather be poor then burn in hell and Charles is the devil him self he is going to trying to kill Ireland and the holy ghost said your a ram horn so us this testimony and give it to all Christian nations and and pull the ram horns cause all Christians have to pull together to weather the storm price Charles stared and they try to make a one world nation and kill all Christian and it was Charles that stared this bull shit and is the head of the red and black dragon in the bible and usa I found out is Babylon and they have camps to kill all of us Christians here!!! I will get kill for giving yall a heads up about Charles of wales and who he really is!!! he who has ears let him hear!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! give this to the president of Ireland and your trops will win Jesus Christ says so!!! so I believe and so I know your trops will win and save life as we know it!!!!!!! . run get the people in to the mountain of Israel and take as many as you can with you. I leave you as sheep at mist the wolfs. run. ideals hands are a devils play ground Jesus said and there is a way to a man that seems right but leads to death. the ideal and Obama and demon worshipers have set up all the Christians to kill them tell as many as you can ps love your Christian music helps me throw tuff times. holy ghost said to warn you and you warn more must move all Christian is the Job God gave me but lake of faith makes it hard at end times to move my Gods sheep so I am staying in Babylon to fight for the sheep!!! . this was 11 years ago sorry I am late!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OPENED THE BIBLE to Revelation!!! which I had never read before In my life REVELATION!!!!!!!!!!! PARBUL: And God will say to the reaper gather the wheat burn the tears . Its in there and put the in the barn. As in Israel in the mountain!!!!!! Revelation chapter 1:7 Behold, He comes with the clouds, and every eye will see Him, and the ones who pierced Him, and all tribes of the earth will wail on account of Him. Yes, Amen. Revelation 7:1 And after these things I saw four angels standing on the four corners of the earth, holding the four winds of the earth, that the wind should not blow on the earth, nor on the sea, nor on every tree. The Holy Spirit told me not to keep this from you all SHOULD wake up!!! Revelation 7:2 And I saw another angel coming up the rising sun, having a seal of the living God. And he cried with a great voice to the four angels to whom it was given to them to harm the earth and the sea, saying, Do not harm the earth, nor the sea, nor the trees, until we seal the slaves of our God on there foreheads. . God be with you will need it ps Charles of wales killed Diana his own wife funny the messed up stuff you can find out!!!! that s why I only like Christians there the only nice people in the world these days
Posted on: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 20:27:06 +0000

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