was asked last year by TJ Dawe to contribute a piece about train - TopicsExpress


was asked last year by TJ Dawe to contribute a piece about train songs to his (no longer active) collectively-run website Beams and Struts. My first piece, Trains are Big and Black and Smokin, was posted 18 months ago this very day (apparently its since had more hits than any other piece on the site). It was so fun that I wrote four more articles for Beams and Struts before it became the archive it is now. What was so satisfying about the Beams pieces was that they gave me the chance to share some very slow-cooked enthusiasms about music and songwriting. Thoughts Id had a lot of time to let percolate. I reviewed Ariana Gillis album Forget Me Not, and the lack of an immediate deadline allowed me to go a lot deeper with it than your average album review could. (By the time I started writing the piece on Ariana, Id probably listened to her record about 100 times.) The review itself was forwarded to Shelagh Rogers, who had both myself and Ariana on her show The Next Chapter as a result. Being off the road for a month has brought back to the surface a number of ideas for other pieces, so Ive started a blog to contain them called RAYMOND UNRUSHED. The first piece is a review of Scott Cooks new album, One More Time Around, as well as being a bigger piece about Scotts output in general. Its called RAYMOND UNRUSHED for a reason. The pieces Im gonna post here took a long time to gather themselves, and they werent written in any kind of a hurry. The whole point is having no hard deadline. Being able to take my time. If youre curious enough to open this one up, I recommend that you approach it the same way. corinraymond/raymondunrushed/one-more-time-around-the-many-roads-of-scott-cook/
Posted on: Tue, 15 Oct 2013 20:05:38 +0000

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