was listening to the radio on my way home from holiday work :-) - TopicsExpress


was listening to the radio on my way home from holiday work :-) as i turn the switch i suddenly heard 2 peeps having a chat about the 5th SONA of the President yesterday.. normally, i would change the station since news doesnt keep me up while travelling from Alabang. But this time i find the SONA too interesting so I tuned in & found myself asking if i made the right thing of voting for mr. President last election.. I figured that being a President is the most challenging job on this Island, that the lives of a 100 million population country cannot be changed in a short span of 4 years-so hes doing what he can to the best of his ability by dealing with stubborn peeps who kept on misusing the govt funds, managing intervention on how to advanced our system in terms of weather forcast, taking actions in helping the marginized families and individuals, increasing growth in employment, supporting other literacy & livelihood programs apart from the traditional classroom set-up, leaning towards peace talks in making sure our territories are guarded & keeping with our ally countries. Though these seem to be few & much more is expected from him i asked myself if i have been doing my part in making my ideal country happen instead of just seeing the unresolved issues & complaining & blaming all to mr. President. It may sound cliche but a small act of kindness to others & to our county would help in building a better nation. Mr. President came in the picture with all the mess from previous admin but he never pointed that out instead he highlighted the good works of the people around him & didnt own a thing. He is too grounded & became even more emotional when he started remembering his parents which is a good note thats why he feels every Filipino deep within.. towards the end of his speech his approval rating reached 84-85% not beacuse all are happy or contented but because most of us heard & realized what have transpired in the last 4years. There is still a lot of things to be done.. take time to do our share & refrain from complaining/questioning. May our country continue to blessed :-)
Posted on: Tue, 29 Jul 2014 08:28:14 +0000

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