was reading a article on bullying today,my opion on it is,we half - TopicsExpress


was reading a article on bullying today,my opion on it is,we half to start working together to fight this,it starts at home with us as parents to teach our children that it is wrong to put people down,it is wrong to hurt people,and bullying is wrong,then it goes to the schools to be responcible for stricter punishments on bullying they half to let kids no that you will be punished for hurting other kids,i even heard of teachers being bullied now where did that come from,surely not taught in school,i know its so easy just to blame the schools I been there with my son when he was bullied here to find out the kid that was bullying my son,parents were never around to teach him this was wrong,it saddens me that most parents arent around to spend time and teach their kids things like this is wrong,and yes I understand both parents half to work because of the way our economy is,but that is no excuse not to spend time teaching your child what is wrong and what is right,i had to write this because yet another child commited suicide over bullying think of the pain this childs parents must be in
Posted on: Mon, 03 Feb 2014 10:52:36 +0000

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