watching Evan Almighty for no reason because its on TV and thats - TopicsExpress


watching Evan Almighty for no reason because its on TV and thats how I work. a few observations. 1) the most far-fetched part of the movie isnt the animals or the flood or the God or whatever, its that everyone gets shocked when Congressman Steve Carell said he was told to do it by God. Like pretty sure Congressman and Governors and Presidents say God told them to do shit all the time and its totally normal and like 50% of the country is like MM YEAH HE DID PREACH IT. like Bush said God told him to invade Iraq and Michelle Bachman said God told her to run for President and everyones like yeah nbd. You realize a Congressman saying God told him to build a boat would be pretty much the most reasonable thing a U.S. politician has ever said God told him to do? 2) Evan has that problem of where however quickly he cuts his hair and beard it just grows back to the prophet look. I relate to that so hard. Thats my exact problem. Everyone thinks Im trying for the Jesus look or the homeless look, no, really its just that if I go two weeks without a haircut or shaving, boom, its at Jesus levels. And it gets kind of unwieldy to get haircuts all the dang time. Maybe God is telling me to build an ark or something? 3) Its so weird seeing films where Jonah Hill is playing a kid. It feels so long ago that he was a kid in movies. But also so recently. Like it feels like this movie came out two or three years ago, but its actually 2007, which is long enough that Jonah Hill isnt, like, a real role in this film, he was young enough that they still gave him bit parts, just as the weird kid. 4) As if they let this movie be made. The first one was great but obviously did not merit a sequel. 5) Though it does have a certain anti-capitalist flavour the first one lacked, so its not all bad. 6) Its definitely better than the Russell Crowe Noah movie. Its weird, that movie felt totally superfluous coming right on the heels of this one. Like one was trying to be all serious and it was just dumb. This ones trying to be all funny, and its not, really, but that makes it less dumb. 7) Omg Hank Schrader as bit part cop! I barely even care about Breaking Bad but its still funny seeing actors who just gained fame right before then when they werent important and just got shitty roles like the cop. Before getting a more important role as, yknow, the cop. 8) The wifes name is Joan. HAH. I GET IT. ARK. 9) At one point the kid says alpacas dont spit, and then later he says he likes one of the alpacas because he spits. WHICH IS IT, MOVIE? 10) Why does every movie about Congress always have them in some room that clearly looks nothing like the halls of Congress? Pet peeve of mine. 11) The program guide description, instead of just saying its funny, states: Is this film funny? Did it rain on Noah? I like the inquisitive form. Very philosophical. Reflects my own questions. *Is* this film funny? *Did* it rain on Noah? 11) Wow I had way more to say about Evan Almighty than I thought. Its a miracle. I only had enough cause for one, maybe two points, but somehow it lasted a whole 11. Happy Hanukkah.
Posted on: Sat, 06 Dec 2014 18:33:14 +0000

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