watching his fathers eyes glance into the rearview mirror to - TopicsExpress


watching his fathers eyes glance into the rearview mirror to examine me. I politely answered their questions and carried on conversation as my fidgeting hands stroked the brand new faux fur seat covers. A loose ridge of shedding fur formed and I gathered it together, subconsciously rolling it between my fingers until Id twisted it into a long ribbon. I curled the ends of it around my fingers and released them. When I looked down a giggle caught in my throat; without even trying I had twisted the shed fur into a replica of the handlebar mustache sported proudly by Tims father. Without thinking, I held it up under my nose and looked at Tim as I answered more questions. He burst out in silent laughter, his shoulders shaking as he fought to control himself. His faced turned bright red and tears rolled down his cheeks as he covered his mouth and looked away in his attempts to keep quiet. I took a sharp breath realizing what Id done and looked around like a guilty child. Whew! No one saw me I thought, sinking back in the seat. I wasnt so much worried about embarrassing myself in front of Tim; it was his parents. Tim and his parents had already decided on their favorite Mexican restaurant and that was fine with me; the dim lighting of the décor would hide the rising flush of my cheeks, and if anyone noticed, I could blame it on the peppers. Gracefully and with exceedingly proper table manners I managed to survive halfway through dinner without making any unforgivable mistakes. My run of good fortune was not to continue, however. In the midst of conversation I reached for my iced tea, raised the glass to my lips and very quickly discovered I had picked up the wrong glass: I was not drinking my iced tea, but the candle from the table! How could the restaurant use the same glasses for candles and beverages? I quickly lowered the glass and set it back in its place but it was too late; I had singed my eyebrows, lashes, the hair in my nose, and that stray stubborn curl which insisted on falling over my forehead! I looked up slowly, praying no one had seen me, but all eyes at the table had seen and each face stared at me in shocked silence. I bit my lower lip and hid my face in my napkin hearing the burned hair crackle and break. Excusing myself I ran to the restroom. I would have hidden there forever but Id barely gotten in the door when Tims mother arrived. Ah, honey, she cooed, holding out her arms to me. Everything will be just fine. I cried out my shock and embarrassment as she soothed and reassured. She dried my tears and fixed my eyebrows with make up from her purse. I knew the red of my face would fade by the time I returned to the table, but it would be two months before my brows and lashes grew back! So much for my good impression. Tim and I eventually married. We had a small ceremony and a family reception afterwards held at the very restaurant where this incident occurred. This time, however, I didnt drink any candles...only a Margarita; they were served in different glasses. On our fifteenth wedding anniversary Mom and Dad gave me a card and told me I was a very special part of their family. They concluded their sentiments: We knew we would love you forever from the moment we saw you drink the candle! Dads handwriting added: And the mustache was cute, too! We go to that restaurant every now and then and each time they tease, Please dont drink the candles.
Posted on: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 08:18:46 +0000

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