watchout ! China ..will affect regional... [ Reporter Ancient - TopicsExpress


watchout ! China ..will affect regional... [ Reporter Ancient Spring / report ] last year due to a large number of Chinese aunt bought gold in the international famous in Chinese New Year approaching, the gold rush shot again . Hong Kong media outposts magazine article published in February , will be dangerous in 2014 called the Chinese Communist Party , has long been the bane of a series of deep species lie dormant for years will focus on this year s crisis erupted . China buying gold aunt re-shot According to Lu media reports , recently, the Chinese gold rush Aunt shot again , Chinese New Year approaching, the mainland stores appeared in the case of gold fever to buy gold. Reported that gold shop showing crowded, people who suffer the case , before each counter are packed with people. Former cashier , waiting in a long queue , cashiers are busy ashamed . An aunt before going to pick gold jewelry , asked her husband first front row at checkout good team , so choose the right things and then queuing delays. This is the public consumption and investment panic panic in China caused by inflation expectations . Continental , an economic columnist commented : prices continued to rise in the background, the Chinese people on hand idle capital preservation and appreciation of the urgent need to find a channel . But at least for now, this channel is really hard to find. Tantamount to letting their bank deposits shrink , deposits a year , its value had been not worth the cost . Invest in stocks , labor-shaped distracting not say, in all likelihood loss people talk about stocks pale . Financial products is said to help investors outperform the CPI, but the frequent defaults , bad faith and even fraud , so many investors from it . Moreover, the limited purchase policy measures ever introduced, rigid demand declined, homebuyers cautious hand and other factors, the current real estate profits have shrunk , investment in real estate market has not been good. Furthermore , in terms of industrial investment , continue to grow along with the state capital , private entity investment channels also been narrowing . Because of this, gold becomes a private hedge investment tool. Hong Kong media : 2014 CCP Xiongnian Hong Kong Monthly Digest outpost article published in February , 2014 will be known as the CCP Xiongnian . Article lists the CPC in 2014 will inevitably have to face a series of deep bane species lie dormant for years in crisis : First, the appreciation of the RMB outside , internal devaluation can not be sustained , ultra-high inflation and stagflation triggered ; Second, the real estate bubble burst , the debt mountain of local government on the verge of bankruptcy ; Third, financial products, shadow banking , high- risk speculative activity triggered the credit bubble burst ; Fourth, industry overcapacity collapse of a large area , resulting in bad debts salty liter ; Five companies foot tide closures plus delay retirement ( pension shortfall of up to 18.3 trillion , government default deadbeat ) , such as a sharp rise in unemployment . Banking crisis about to break the CCP launched the deposit insurance system Hong Kong media reported that the Chinese Communist Party , through state-owned banks to lend to state-owned national deposit money is simply due to the state-owned banks and state-owned enterprises are controlled by the Chinese Communists , the loan is equal to turn left pocket right pocket , basically from not repaid. State-owned enterprises do not make money , but to support state-owned enterprises is a very good excuse loans , loans to state-owned enterprises to become a black hole , and the interests of the CCP suction gold delivery channels. State-owned enterprises to borrow money after engaging in some of the more profitable , profitable business faster , real estate speculation, speculation, usury , etc. ; SOE executives also pocketed , defalcation , misappropriation of the loan ; SOE executives who earn a lot of money and then put money in the bank , to complete the transition from the borrower to the depositor s identity. Hong Kong media reported that not only state-owned bank ATMs , money is a copier , each have a photocopy of the money flowing as assets , real money will be flowing to create more wealth , and after each banks will enlarge once again , a few dollars can conjure money . Therefore, the report of the CPC is the most beautiful state-owned banks around the world , the addition of assets , profits are high, and low default rates . But these so-called assets are actually the bad debt can never be recovered , they actually lend national savings . CCP actually increase wealth increase in debt , and debt is the bank behind the increase in the accumulation of bad debts, the CCPs prosperity is all illusion. For this reason, the real wealth outside mainland China must be achieved in other words, the door can go abroad is considered real money . Therefore, today the country rich in write- funded , state-owned enterprises in order to transfer funds overseas investment , smart Li Ka-shing are quickly evacuated , do not make the last piece of copper , the reason why . CCP time to introduce bank bankruptcy law and the deposit insurance system , is to see the future of the crisis, the domestic banking system quickly taken down , paving the way for the escape . Pushing up the cost of capital credit bubble destroyed the economy Rating agency Fitch said : total credit in China will be pushed up to 250 % of GDP , almost 130% more than in 2008 doubled ( U.S. subprime mortgage bubble burst , the ratio of debt to output only 107% ) . Fitch estimates that the loan interest rate from 7% in 2008 rose to 12.5 per cent. By the end of 2017 , the interest rate may rise to 22 per cent , and that ultimately overwhelmed by the borrower . Today, the real economy in China has been on the verge of death , leaving only borrow and loan money to make money speculation . Mainland China s economic growth declined, no Industries worth the investment , and the market demand for funds has become increasingly high interest rates pushed to unbearable level. Borrower mainland China became impassable debtor had to start usury market ( ie, the shadow banking ) emergency short-term loans , no matter how high interest rates are willing to pay . Because time is of the essence , get the money today , next week it may go bankrupt. Paying the money from loan sharks to borrow new debt settlement bank of old debts , the bank obtained a few weeks after the renewal , extension , and took part of the money to have usury . This is a capital chain rupture at any time , a high risk of sudden death game. Many developers and local governments continued life in this way . Interdependent relationship between mainland China and the shadow banking formal banking is such that there is no shadow banks for emergency funding buffer , most borrowers will have to default , a large number of non-performing loans will become bad debts , will overwhelm the entire formal banking system , stuffed a Chinese version of the financial tsunami . Local government debt and more afraid of bankruptcy CCP Audit announced as the end of June 2013 , total debt rose to 17.9 trillion places , far more than the true figure this number , because there are too many sources of funding and unidentified creditors can not hide debt reported . Local government debt, do not be afraid of bankruptcy . Just place bullying deadbeat , it becomes bad debts . CPC government if allowed to go bankrupt local government , is tantamount to the national banking system bankrupt. Even if the old debt is no longer prosecuted, and that the National People pay for them , they continue to have a central new debt issuance to meet daily expenses, loss of places that are not . CCP CCP currency over the money flowing into the hands of the rich and powerful CCP is the worlds largest printing press , more than 100 trillion yuan broad money ( end of November 2013 amounted to 107.93 trillion yuan ) , ranking first in the world , accounting for a quarter of the worlds money supply is 1.5 times the United States . The ratio of broad money to GDP of up to 188% , while the proportion of the U.S. broad money to GDP is 63 %, only one-third of the CCP. CCP money over so severe that some people still can not borrow money , so much money where to go ? Chinese mainland wealth concentrated in the hands of a handful of red elite , wealthy and poor countries is the reason today . CCP initiative a few years ago is printing money , causing the worlds largest currency bubble. Today is forced to continue to print money , as long as the slightly slow down the printing speed, the bursting of the bubble will be triggered immediately . Then the printing die sooner or later , do not print money immediately die . Made in China will be profitable This is also one of the causes of severe economic contraction entity , in the case of simply not borrow money , no investment can withstand such high financing costs. In the current high interest rates , the rate of return on the mainland in the real economy are negative , has entered the stage at stake , a trigger point would cause a chain reaction . CCP credit as an engine of growth is not sustainable fuels . In 2007 , new loans of RMB 1 yuan each to increase 0.83 yuan in output value , fell 0.29 yuan in 2012 , fell to 0.17 yuan in 2013 , an increase of the engine stalled . Since the beginning of the end of 2012 , a sharp decline in external demand , domestic demand remained weak , the CCP can not do anything , the only continue to print money , then lend themselves to spend ; alone support his own and contributed century super-bubble game , turning back , unable to extricate themselves. In the foreseeable future , the outlook in China is not optimistic. Throughout recent years, the international development trend , the Chinese independent production stuff cheaper price , waiting for a large number of developing countries, export processing and manufacturing positions to divide the continent world factory of . But something must be entered in mainland China , such as the import price of energy, minerals , grains, raw materials are getting expensive, Made in China will become totally competitive , profitable.
Posted on: Sun, 02 Feb 2014 15:09:42 +0000

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