we are at a cross roads . the future historians will look back at - TopicsExpress


we are at a cross roads . the future historians will look back at this time in our society. as we look back at the great roman empires. we have the greatest nation the world has ever witnessed. ( yes, i believe in american exceptionalism ) this country was formed by men and women who knew all to well the lash of tyranny. they were thoughtful, and debated how best to form a more perfect union. they understood that power corrupted, and absolute power corrupted absolutely. so they devised a system of checks and balances with in the new govt. so that no one branch could over power the others. i wont attempt to re teach the lessons we all learned in grammar and secondary school here. my hope is that you remember. our founders were brilliant yet flawed men. but they were very well thought out, and considerate of what they were creating. the Constitution was written after much thought and deliberation. unlike todays politicians. and we also have a Bill of Rights. tho many believe it is thier right to do damn near anything,, our REAL rights are laid out for us to read. our Constitution has been,,and is being shredded before i very eyes. but that rant will have to wait for another day. the most pressing issue we have to day is BORDER CONTROL.... or a complete lack there of. we are being told that it is Urgent that something be done immediately! we must get these people out of the shadows. words have meanings.... they want us to call them,,,undocumented workers. they suggest that by bringing them out of the shadows,,we will know who they are,,they will pay taxes..etc...and they wont be eligible to become citizens for 10 plus years ... BULLSHIT! THEY ARE NOT UNDOCUMENTED ANYTHING...they are ILLEGAL ALIENS... they are law breakers. by virtue of the fact that they are here,,makes them CRIMINALS! there are laws on the books now,,which say we must close down the borders. but this administration,,as well as the Bush administration ignores and ignored them. by law,,,there is supposed to have fences up at specific loactions to help protect our border,,it was even funded by congress,,, but again,,,it has not been enforced or executed. there is NO political will by either party to do what is needed to protect this country,,and enforce the border security. when amnesty has been granted,,, the illegals here will be out of the shadows,,, but the borders security will NOT be enforced. more people from south america will flood into our country,,,,,with no fear of deportation. the job market which is scarce now will be over whelmed with excess workers... if you own a business,,who will you hire? the american citizen who you will have to provide health care for under obamacare? or the legal immigrant who has the right to work here,,but is not yet a citizen..so as an empolyer you do Not have to provide health care? i know who i would hire. but that wont last too long. because as soon as they are legal,,and supposedly paying taxes,,the cries will began,,,,,,, no taxation with out representation !!!! and they will be given the vote etc. take a good long look around folks,,the country you grew up in will Not be recognizable in another decade
Posted on: Thu, 27 Jun 2013 00:14:30 +0000

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