we are beginning to sound like a broken record saying we are - TopicsExpress


we are beginning to sound like a broken record saying we are heartbroken and there are no words etc, but this is the sad reality these days. we will keep saving all that we can and we will get their stories out there, no matter how repetitive it sounds. no one dog we save matters any more or less than any other. when they come into our extended family, we lose sleep, worry, stress, cry, panic, get angry, just about every emotion you can think of, touches us. so without further ado, we introduce Giselle, a 4-6 year old miniature poodle. she entered the Manhattan ACC today after she was discovered in a NYC street surrounded by a group of people. these people did not know how she got there or what happened. lucky for Giselle, the shelter put out an immediate 911 plea to rescues. this dog had to leave immediately!!!! shes severely emaciated, dehydrated, had nails so long they were curling under into her feet, a heart murmur, very bad diarrhea and she could not stand or walk. we are posting her medical notes here, so you can see the horror!! she arrived at our amazing Brooklyn vet late this afternoon and is on an IV and heating pad. will she make it? we have no idea. she weighs in at 5 pounds and should be 15 pounds. her eyes look huge b/c her body is so tiny. she has no pledges and there was no time to raise $ for her vetting, so if you can please help in any way, wed so appreciate it!!! nycsecondchancerescue.org/donate/ here are the medical notes: S/O: dog was found and was reportedly surrounded by a number of people on the street, may have been hit by a car according to witnesses Appearance: latearlly recumbent, ~10-12% dehydrated Integument: severely matted hair coat, overgrown nails EENT: OU clear no nuclear sclerosis, AU clean, No nasal d/c Oral cavity: MM pale pink, CRT ~3 sec, Healthy dentition other than mild tartar and staining PLN: WNL H/L: Grade III/VI murmur, no arrhythmias, HR 180 bpm, RR 40bpm Lungs clear ABD: Soft non painful, moderatly sized bladder palpable U/G: female, spay scar and tattoo M/S: laterally recumbent, profund muscle wasting BCS: 1/9 Neuro: Alert, responsive, normal PLR, normal menace, weak, will not support weight on hind ends, no appreaciable neck or back pain Rectal: Fecal ball makes it impossible to access rectum A: Severe emaciation matted coat heart murmur-r/o CVD vs. other Tachycardia- r/o shock vs. pain vs. fear vs. other latearally recumbent- r/o secondary to muscle wasting vs. secondary to trauma P: Clip matted coat in order to facilitate furthre examination evaluate for pelvic fractures/neuro status/pain status In house CBC/Chem Strict feeding procol to prevent re-feeding syndrome and death due to insulin/electrolyte derangements RER- 70 X (Wt in Kg) ^ 0.75 Day 1-1/4 RER/6 feedings Day 2- 1/2 RER/6 feedings Day 3- 3/4 RER/6 feedings Day 4- Full RER/6 feedings Day 5- Recalculate RER based on new weight, give previous RER + 1/4 of increased RER and continue to increase in that manner with Addendum: Coat was trimmed and dog is dripping diarrhea, Temp is 95.5 (increased heat support), rectal exam performed, no palpable pelvic fractures, dog exhibited motor to both hind legs during exam. Highly recommend transfer to tertiary care facility for close monitoring of electrolytes and re-feeding, repeated neuro exams to assess for un-found fractures and 24 hours care and monitoring
Posted on: Fri, 19 Sep 2014 00:52:22 +0000

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