we had a woman and her 2 teen age daughters show up last nite at - TopicsExpress


we had a woman and her 2 teen age daughters show up last nite at our church before service and they were homeless and they did not have a car, I felt so bad for them, for here we all have our homes to go to and be warm and comfortable in and they had nothing, no home at all and they had to spend the nite in a camper at her sisters house but today what will they do, where will they go, I thought we as a church should bind together and figure something out to help them, several people gave them a little bit of money to help out, but did not Jesus say what you do to the least of these you have done unto me. what are we here for if we are not here to help the needy, the homeless, the fatherless,the sinners. what did we do with the love of Jesus when these kind of people come around, did we just let him walk out the door? I wish my home was bigger then 1 bedroom for I would have brought them home with me.I guess I see things different then other people do, I see that we should treat others like we would want to be treated, I did not feel the worship service last nite,because of these people, my heart went out to them. I could not get it off my mind. sometimes I think we think we act like we are better then others. we should all stop and think, what if that was me or my children in that situation? would you not want someone to help you and yes the woman smelled so bad like cigarettes but so what who cares she is still a human being, she is still one of Gods children just like we are and who are we to judge her for that when we ourselves have hangups our selves, Jesus did not judge anyone when he walked this earth, what did he say? woman where is your accusers? then go, and sin no more for he did not accuse her either. instead he said He who is without sin, let him cast the first stone. now that shows you we all need to get back to the basics of love and learn to love our neighbor instead of just saying it, we need to put action behind those words and make them true.only then we can find favor with God.
Posted on: Sat, 05 Oct 2013 20:40:12 +0000

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