week 5, not going as well as one was hoping it would, started off - TopicsExpress


week 5, not going as well as one was hoping it would, started off on monday by having the radiation treatment first, which was unusual, then get told afterwards that because of the problems having chemo the previous 2 weeks that they had decided that i have a break from it for a week, ok i could go along with that seeing as the throat has become quite sore now, so i turn up on tuesday to have radiation and get told that they werent happy giving me the radiation treatment as i have lost so much weight around the face my mask was now too loose, to hold my head in the correct position while the treatment was being administered, so have had to have a new mask made, went through the procedure of being made and then under the CT scan so as to get all the pinpoints done so the radiation machine delivers the doses in te right area , so i miss out on the treatment tuesday, then i get told not to turn up on wednesday, as they have to get the final calibration done before they can use the new mask, so its now 2 days treatment missed phoned hospital on wednesday afternoon to find out what time i am booked in for on thursday, to be told its not ready yet, so thats 3 days missed, now i have to have 2 doses on friday( great) and then find out when they are re-scheduling the others that i have missed, so close to finishing treatment...i.e. 9 sessions to go and now nearly a whole week missed which means dragging it out anonther week, just want to get it over and done with now, i know they kept telling me not to lose weight but it it so hard when you are having trouble swallowing and finding it so hard to eat food and even struggling to swallow fluids, anyway rant over only 2 weeks left so fingers crossed it has done what it says on the tin , thanks to everyone for their support and weel wishes
Posted on: Thu, 17 Jul 2014 07:34:12 +0000

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