weekly card reading mon/tues Freedom: Hina Walk away from - TopicsExpress


weekly card reading mon/tues Freedom: Hina Walk away from restrictions and be free. You have the power and the right to change your life so that you experience more freedom. This card signifies that your soul is crying out for more freedom especially as it involves your life’s purpose. Perhaps its time to take a break, so that you can think clearly, about your desires and available options. The universe always supports the desire for expansion creativity and freedom. Say yes to freedom and the universe will say yes to you: Additional meanings: its time to leave a situation you’ve outgrown: Question the validity of any rules that you’ve imposed upon yourself: Allow the universe to support you while you make desired life changes: be assertive and say no to anyone who’s overstepping boundaries with you :call upon Hina for issues involving fertility, attraction and manifestation weds/thurs Purification: White Tara Something involved with this situation needs purifying. This could be a signal to purify your motives and intentions so they’re purely about service and not about fear or competition. It could mean a purification of your body and diet. Or it could simply mean adjusting your life so that all of your actions are in integrity with your true beliefs. White Tara will support and assist this purification, ensuring that it’s a harmonious process that brings great blessings to you and others: Additional meanings: put your whole focus on “how may I serve?” instead of “what might I get out if this?” and everything will go better: affirm loving thoughts about yourself and others: avoid chemicals and toxins : avoid any behaviours that lead to feelings of guilt or shame, as these lower your self esteem: leave situations that are out of integrity with your true beliefs: call upon White Tara to reveal your pure inner self as well as to purify anything in your life. fri/sat/sun Power of joy: Maitraya To find your desired outcome, follow the path of joy. Your life’s purpose is supported by the joy and passion you feel when you’re thinking about or working on your purpose. The joy that you feel within relationships keeps them alive, exciting and growing. The joy that comes from your hobbies gives you extra energy. Of all the emotions, joy has the highest energy vibration. Joy has the power to remove all obstacles and attract all of your needs. Joy reminds us that we needn’t suffer at all. We can fulfill our purpose, help ourselves and others and heal through the power of joy: Additional meanings: stay positive and filled with faith to manifest your desires into reality: find the humour in this situation: enjoy a good laugh: develop hobbies that bring you pleasure: to find you’re your life’s purpose do what brings you joy: call upon Maitraya to increase your happiness and joy extra cards Write: Thoth You’ve been receiving lots of signs to write lately, so let this card lead you to take action. Get out paper or computer and begin writing. Don’t worry about grammar or punctuation or spellings express your thoughts and feelings as they flow into your mind and body: Additional meanings: Keep a daily journal of your experiences and feelings: Write down your intentions, goals and desires: channel messages from your guides and spirits: write an article or book: call upon Thoth to gain a deeper understanding and proficiency with manifestation principles Yes: Ganesh All doorways are open for you and the pathway is clear. Any previous obstacles have been removed. Keep a positive mind about the situation to ensure the best possible outcome this is a good time to make a move or change: Additional meanings: the answer to your question is yes: this is a good time to make a move or change: your prayers have been heard and answered: you have positive support for this situation: keep the faith: call upon Ganesh at the beginning of any new project to ensure a smooth start and steady progress: he is very supportive of anyone who’s in a bind have a wonderful week let go of what no longer serves you become aware of signs and messages keep a journal and remember keep your thoughts positive like attracts like love and blessings su
Posted on: Mon, 09 Sep 2013 03:02:19 +0000

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