wel it almost the same thing as it was in the earlie 90s whe - TopicsExpress


wel it almost the same thing as it was in the earlie 90s whe rohdney king was beaten all the blacks rally together an vilonce erupts in la an other places not a peacful protest what needs to happen the police need to be on duty an ready to whip ass back peaceful protest went on in 2012 with the occupys an the gov arested people violenc erupts how many were made it geting old one race get violent an the other dosnt so who is racist what needs to happen with the news is it needs to stop puting this stuff on the air thats why these people get set free who the hell is gonna give some one a movie deal or book deal or an all paid expences vacation to come an spil the beens why you found some one guilty no one but you find them innocent an wow there money to be made we need to stop an make it law for jurors to make a profit then there mite be more conviction o but wait it is against the constitution to do that but its ok too do with the second what ever anyone wan4 rite this country is getting screwed up more an more the nxt time a baby is killed an its a white woman or man thats dose it an the news blows it all over the air an it gose to trial an that person is set free id like to see the black an white backers jump to the streets an demand justice for that child then we wil see were there care realy is an the black stars who realy is racesit stand for all not just ur own how about that so far the 17 black boy is more important than the 3yr old white girl geroge zimmerman an casey anthoony an others who have killed lil kids pass this along if you see this pic
Posted on: Tue, 16 Jul 2013 13:36:07 +0000

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