well 25 weeks have gone by and what have I learned ;- Our little - TopicsExpress


well 25 weeks have gone by and what have I learned ;- Our little Juno is quite the little bossy boots. She is so confident out and about.She will bark at people going past the gate and at dogs she meets out on our walks. The problem with our little madam is that she now has changed the calm Roma I had. I have worked so hard to keep Roma calm as other dogs approach. Trying to be aware of the body language she gives off to other dogs. If she is calm, then usually there is no reaction from other dogs. It has been working really well up until little Juno changed the dynamics. Now Juno isnt being aggressive to the other dogs, it is just pure excitement , a yappy bark and a lot of bouncing . The solution to this problem is to walk them both separately so I can give Juno one to one with this. So the other night tried to sneak Juno out without Roma seeing . Roma does stress for a few minutes if I ever leave the house . When Juno and I leave the house she cries and whines for quite a bit longer , (even though my husband is home) .Have you ever tried to sneak a puppy out . Romas hearing is so acute, she heard every door handle being turned and came running . I am sure that dog can read my mind. I felt like I should be whistling and gazing upwards trying to look as innocent as I could. I had to walk in and out of the back door umpteen times, She spotted the bum bag I use when we go walking , so distracted her with a piece of chicken and threw the bum bag out the cat flap , in readiness for picking it up with Juno in tow. This was followed by dog lead, harness , was tempted to put Juno through to but she is a little to big now . Roma eventually got fed up watching all the comings and goings from her mad owner and went to her bed. Which gave me the opportunity to sneak Juno out . After all that to do , never met a dog on the lane. We have been to two puppy classes now. Juno is a star . So attentive even with other dogs and people about. This will help with her excitement on our walks. Calmly saying hello to other dogs will help immensely , but only letting her say hello when I say so . Getting lots of food rewards when I call her away and tell her to leave. She has been learning to walk close, to sit and stay, down and wait , re call and sitting when she comes. and having lots of fun. I have noticed Juno isnt keen on people approaching her excitedly , ohhhhh what a cute puppy, and stroking the top of her head . I had to say to people please wait until she comes to you, give her a treat and if she is receptive , stroke under her chin . The trainers of course helped a lot at the end of the session, and after 15 minutes Juno was accepting ear rubs and lots of fuss. Roma did wait patiently at home until we got back and couldnt quite understand why Juno slept for the next 2 hours. It is bird hunting season in my garden at the moment. Roma has a great second in command. Roma heads them off round the flanks, and Juno being little goes straight into the bushes , sending the poor birds into a frenzy, flying down the garden to the nearest high tree, followed by two blonde terrors running at full pelt . As I look around my living room floor it is a mass of dog toys and bits of threads from dog toys. I pick them up and put them in the dog toy box, and cant understand how it is that the one toy that the dogs want is always at the bottom. Well must be that as every time I fill it , they empty it, one toy at a time until they get to the bottom . Romas life is now filled with play, fun, comfort from having another dog to relate to. Juno has shown her so much in the way of human interaction. Juno is a typical puppy, wanting loved, attention , always close , wanting on the couch beside you. Roma is learning this too. She talks to us when she wants or needs something usually by standing in front of you and letting out a half bark. Now she has learned to push the lid of the lap top shut with her nose when I have it on my knee. Clever Roma, certainly gets my attention then. What have I gained from all this learning :- Two very different dogs, both in character and learning skills. I have to adapt constantly as what works one does work for the other. Both need the same boundaries and guidance. Both are loved in equal measures and both give me so much joy.
Posted on: Tue, 16 Sep 2014 18:47:18 +0000

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